It's a Team's Life

Where am I?
Every once in a while we get loads where we do not have to run straight through and we can stop for a few hours in the night to sleep without the truck moving. When that happens I am asleep when Bob stops and Bob is asleep when I get up. I usually look at MyRadar weather map to see what city we are in to get my bearings.
This morning I was baffled as my clues said we were in Barstow at the TA and my mind had us in Kingman at the TA. Talk about starting my day confused as each place is a little different to get out of. In these confusing situations and I cannot follow another truck out of the truck stop or watch a truck leave I look for the fuel islands and then it usually is pretty clear on how to find the interstate.
Since we were in Barstow, CA and not Kingman, AZ, and we were headed home I knew what way I wanted to go but now my darn GPS was telling me to get on I-15 going north. I knew that the GPS wanted me to go up to I-70 and head towards Saint Louis but in the winter we take I-40. When the GPS told me to get on I-15 going north we about had an argument right there on the spot.
Luckily as I was slowly going through the parking lot my brain kicked in and I realized that when at the Barstow TA I needed to go north to get onto I-40 going east.
I had to laugh at how often as a team truck driver we have to ask ourselves where are we and how do we get out of the parking lot.
Bob & Linda Caffee
Saint Louis MO
Expediters since January 2005
Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle;
Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;
Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;
Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.