It's a Team's Life

Broken Tooth

By Kelly Plumb
Posted Mar 19th 2025 8:40AM

Broken Tooth

Recently I broke a tooth while out on the road. Fortunately, our delivery got us within a day of home. I was able to make an appointment with my regular dentist. This got me to thinking, what would I have done if I would not have been able to get home? Have any of you had a similar situation? What did you do?

This also got me to thinking how prepared are we if an emergency should happen while on the road? We have insurance to cover medical situations. So we are all set there. But how do we find doctors or dentists while out on the road? What if the options are limited? I suppose I could google “doctors or dentists near me.” Can I trust the reviews? Sometimes reviews can be misleading.

This also gets me to thinking if we have enough in savings to cover an ambulance or helicopter ride if we found ourselves in a more serious situation. Neither of these transportation choices are cheap. Many insurance plans might cover this. Ours does not.

Being prepared is so very important. We try to be as prepared as possible in our business. We save money for taxes and maintenance concerns. But do we save enough for our own wellbeing? In what ways could we be more prepared?

We try to make healthy choices while out on the road. We try to eat right and get some exercise  (although honestly the exercise part is lacking). Hopefully, what we put into our bodies will help to keep us healthy so a major medical concern is a long way off. Yet we still should be prepared for the unexpected.

This is not an easy topic to think about; however, it is one that needs to be taken to heart. Any suggestions or ideas about how you approach this topic is greatly appreciated.

Heres to millions of safe, profitable and HEALTHY miles.

Kelly Plumb