It's a Team's Life

What was I afraid of?

By Linda Caffee
Posted Dec 17th 2011 12:10AM


When my aunt started teaching me to drive I would drive on the shoulder of the road and just about clip the mile marker posts with the mirrors.   In time I did learn to drive on the road surface.

When we decided to start driving a truck I knew I was going to have to quickly get over my fear of traffic.   I was amazed the first time I sat behind the wheel of our truck and looking out the windshield.   The visibility in the truck is amazing I can see down the road over the tops of cars.   I no longer have that boxed in feeling and the feeling of the blind following the blind.

In the truck the mirrors are easily adjusted to fit me, the seat is easily adjusted to me and even the steering wheel is maneuverable and can be lowered or raised.   The dash is rounded and all of the gauges are easily seen.   Our first truck was an automatic and this truck is automated so basically we put the lever in D and off we go.  

The trucks have power steering and is very easy to turn and while the heavier vehicles take longer to stop this was easily incorporated into my driving style.   Due to my practicing backing I had no trouble passing cars or making sharp turns as I knew what the back of the truck looked like in my mirrors and I knew when I needed to turn so I did not run over curbs.  

With the truck sitting so high it is very easy to see down the interstate or roads over the tops of cars and so the range of visibility seems as if it is forever.   I have found that when I turn my turn signal on to change lanes often a car or almost always a big truck will make room for me.   The level of respect I receive is much greater than when driving a car or pickup.  

I have also found that through driving city streets, backing into docks, driving in tight spaces that when I encounter road construction that use Jersey barriers I have no problem.   I know the width of our truck and can easily gauge how small of an opening I can squeeze our truck through.

In a very very short period of time I had very little fear of traffic.   I found that I could easily merge onto an interstate and change to the lane I needed to be in for the next turn.   My fear of traffic into a positive and I am proud of my ability to drive our truck across country and also into cities in search of our next customer’s location.  

Bob & Linda Caffee

Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical 


Saint Louis MO

Expediters 6 years been out here on the road 11 years

[email protected]


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