It's a Team's Life

Trucker Buddy Class

By Bob & Linda Caffee
Posted Sep 23rd 2011 2:58AM


We have been exchanging letters as well as post cards for the past few months and the day finally arrived when we were able to meet face to face.   We arrived at the school following the map the teacher had sent us and parked in our designated space.

Two of the kids met us at the principles office and lead us to the classroom.   As we walked in we were met with a huge Hello Mr. and Mrs. Caffee.   We then saw a bulletin board covered with pictures of our truck and letters and postcards we had sent.   We were immediately overwhelmed.  

The teacher asked us how to proceed; did we want questions, did we want to talk about ourselves and what types of freight we haul, did we want to stand or sit?   We decided    to stand and have each child state their name before they asked their questions.

On the way to the class we reviewed each one of the kids and one thing special about them.   As many of the kids asked their questions we were able to say oh you are “Logan, and you have a twin”.   I believe the kids really enjoyed that we remembered something about them.  

After the question and answer period we stood with the class in front of the bulletin board and had our picture taken.   The kids also gave us a thank you gift of a few mementos of their school, which we really enjoyed.   We then all trooped out to the truck with the kids continuing to ask questions all the way.   Once we made it to the truck each kid was able to get inside and ask questions about the sleeper.

After the kids saw the inside of truck we all trooped outside in the drizzle and had a few more pictures taken.   The kids all thanked us for stopping by the school and visiting with them and as they went back inside they waved and waved good-by to us.     

Over the past several years I have thought about Trucker Buddy and I backed out each time, as I did not think we had the time, we would not enjoy the interaction, and maybe we would not enjoy the kids.   I was basically shamed into giving it a try and I signed us up and after the background check we were assigned a class near where we live.  

As soon we started receiving the letters from the kids I realized that maybe I was really going to enjoy this exchange.   Today though meeting the class face to face and seeing the kids behind the letters was very touching.   Watching the kids ask the questions and seeing how inquisitive they were about our truck and us was much more then I expected.   I cannot wait to get our next round of letters, as I will now be able to put their faces to the letters we receive by email.  

I would encourage everyone to become involved in this endeavor and get to feel what we felt when we walked into that classroom!   Thank You to Trucker Buddy International, Mrs. Curtis and her classroom.   If you have any questions please ask them of us or go to the Trucker Buddy International Website.

Trucker Buddy International 

Bob & Linda Caffee

Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical 


Saint Louis MO

Expediters 6 years been out here on the road 11 years

[email protected]


Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle; 

Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;

Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;

Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.