It's a Team's Life

Time to wash clothes!
The full service trucks stop usually have a laundry room and depending on the size of the truck stop is the size of the laundry room. Finding a local laundry mat can be done and many do have room for a truck. We usually do our laundry at the truck stop as we are also trying to get a restart on the weekends.
A laundry bag is a must and as clothes get dirty add them to the bag. To save money buy laundry supplies away from the truck stop as this will get expensive. When buying laundry supplies remember all of this will have to be carried across a parking lot and can get heavy. Look for the all in one soap with a soap booster.
Many of the laundries have become automated and will use a debit card to start the washer and the dryers. A code can be entered into the text messaging on your phone that will alert you when the washer or dryer is finished. No need to carry quarters anymore. The price right now for a washer or dryer is running on average $2.50 a load. If you do not want to use a debit card quarters are still accepted in all of the machines. Remember to keep track of this as it is tax deductible.
Some of the laundry rooms have a bar to hang up clothes and most have a folding table. The washers are average size and usually will not fit a comforter. If washing floor rugs let them air dry instead of placing them in the dryer. Remember these are public machines and someone has to use the washer or dryer when you are finished.
Etiquette in the laundry room!
Wait your turn if the washers are full a line will be formed and if you leave you will have to get in line again. Remove clothes as soon as the washer or dryer is done so the next person can use the machines. Don't store you shower bag or supplies on the folding table as that takes up needed room for someone else to fold their clothes.
There are several ways to remind yourself to go back to the laundry room. Set an alarm on your phone; follow the directions to have the washer or dryer notify you that it is done, or just stay in the laundry room.
Bob & Linda Caffee
Saint Louis MO
Expediters since January 2005
[email protected]
Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle;
Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;
Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;
Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.