It's a Team's Life

Sunshine and warmth

By Bob & Linda Caffee
Posted Feb 17th 2011 10:44AM


First things first we had the truck washed to remove the salt residue.  Our truck is not often dirty and it was in sad shape.  Bob took it through the truck wash next to the Flying J in Albuquerque and was a little disappointed to say the least.  The water removed the salt and filth from the truck, but their brushes scratched his toolboxes.  Bob is hoping to polish these out and get them back to their mirror like finish.

We stopped by a used exercise equipment store and purchased a Total Fitness 1700 portable gym.  We have been looking for one of these, but had been put off by the price.  The used Total Fitness gym fit into my budget rather nicely.  The Gym folds up and will be easy to stow away in our space in the box of the truck.  There is a platform to perform squats on and enough other parts that go along with the gym that I will be scratching my head on what exercise to try next.  Luckily there is a book of exercises that came with the machine.

I wish we had bought the Gym before winter set in, as this year has been really tough to get out and walk.  We are either under a load, the weather is horrible, or we are waiting for a load.  With the Gym we can workout in the box of the truck and within a few minute be able to roll if we receive an ASAP load with an immediate pickup.  

The Total Fitness Gym has all ready given me a workout and I can feel it!  I have been using resistance bands so I am not totally out of shape.  I believe that the gym will get used often and will be a nice addition to my other exercise equipment.


Bob & Linda Caffee
Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical 


Saint Louis MO
Expediters 6 years been out here on the road 11 years
[email protected]

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Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;

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