It's a Team's Life

Some of my favorite people at MATS 2012

By Linda Caffee
Posted Mar 29th 2012 4:00AM

We work hard while at the truck show and we have a lot of fun.   I have pictures of many of the people who have a great influence on my life.


Members of the Trucking Solutions Group attending MATS are a big part of our lives and keep us constantly striving to better in our business and also help us to stay in touch with the industry.


Rick is the chairman of The Trucking Solutions Group and he is responsible for keeping us grounded and focused on the future.   Without him I know I would be like a Ping-Pong ball bouncing all over the place.


 Manager Plant Engineering Detroit Diesel

Miguel is an amazing fun person and as I like to say he is the total package…   He is from Belgium and I enjoy listening to him speak with his great accent.   Miguel is responsible for many of the decisions we have made concerning our truck and how we run our operation.  


Product Strategy Analyst at Daimler AG

Brian is like a son and one that I am very proud of.   Brian enjoys life and he is always ready to try something new and fun such as being whooped by a woman at a go-kart track.   Brian is one of those people who can turn immediately serious when we ask him questions about our truck and our fuel mileage and he had been a great benefit to our operation.  


 Wal-Mart Driver

I have worked with Susie for several years on the Women in Trucking Advisory Committee and she has a wonderful outlook on life.   Susie is one of those people that make you feel good as soon as she starts speaking.   I greatly admire Susie for all that she has done in her career.   She also owns the most amazing miniature donkeys that I enjoy receiving pictures of.


President/CEO Women in Trucking Association

Ellen has more energy then anyone I have ever met and I greatly admire her ability to speak to large groups.   She is very knowledgeable of the trucking industry and due to her tireless energy Women in Trucking has grown to be a well recognized name in the trucking industry.

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Robbie and Janet are couple I enjoy seeing and talking with.   They are young and they are always bubbly about something going on in their lives.   I enjoy both of them and always look forward to seeing them out on the road.


Jeannie Silk, Bolt Driver

Jeannie has a huge zest for life and she is always ready to meet new and help new drivers.   Due to Jeannie and Susie Morris we always have great food at our BBQ’s during the various truck shows we attend.  


 Safety Liaison FedEx Custom Critical

I have known Terry for years and he was one of the first people we met in the Expedite industry.   Terry and I started talking when he was still driving a cargo van and I am very lucky to call him one of my closest friends.   Terry is always challenging me to better myself and become better educated and his leadership is greatly valued.


What all can I say about Henry?   Henry and I have very similar pasts and we have the ability to almost read each other’s minds at times.   Henry and I are both very competitive and we push each other to constantly do more in all areas of both of our lives.   Henry is someone I trust implicitly and I value his friendship.


Without Bob none of the above would be possible as he is always there usually in the background silently supporting all of our endeavors.    While Bob is most often quiet he is who keeps me grounded and gives me the freedom to involve us in many activities.   I often hear poor Bob when I come up with a new hair brained idea and he has to figure out how to make it work.  

This is only a small list of the many people who have a profound impact on my life.

Thanks to all of you.

Bob & Linda Caffee

Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical 


Saint Louis MO

Expediters 7 years been out here on the road 12 years

[email protected]


Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle; 

Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;

Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;

Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.