It's a Team's Life


By Linda Caffee
Posted May 21st 2012 12:57PM


We were picking up a load and had turned so we could back into our dock when Bob said, “Is that a snake?” I slammed on the brakes, rolled up the windows, and lifted both feet off the floor as I set the brakes….   All of this took a millisecond and I was then prepared to see where the snake actually was.

Bob jumped out to get the snakes picture and I believe the snake posed for him!   I have seen two snakes in my lifetime that I would have liked to ask “Why?” What in the world was this snake doing? Why would a snake slither across a chain link fence horizontally?

We watched the snake for a bit and he stay about two foot off of the ground and slithered along using the fence to stay off of the ground.   Bob wondered if he did not like the grass on his belly…. YA RIGHT

I wondered if maybe he was smart and looking for mice?   YA RIGHT We have no clue what the black snake was up to but after a bit he got down off the fence and off he went.  

While I am terrified of snakes some snakes are good and this black snake is one of them.   As long as the snake understands to stay out of my way I will stay out of his and we will get along fine.  

I thought this goofy snake was to good to not share and see if you might have any idea of why he was on the fence like this?