It's a Team's Life

Sleeping Patterns

By Bob & Linda Caffee
Posted Sep 14th 2010 9:37AM

No matter what I am a morning person, and Bob is a night person, and we very seldom go to bed at the same time or get up at the same time.   We do enjoy the down time to site see, work on the truck, walk, and in general behave like normal non-driving people.

Once it gets closer to the day we pick up our load, Bob starts staying up much later and I get up way before the sun.    This load picks up in the morning so it works out perfect for me.   Often after we pick up early, Bob will go back to sleep for a few hours.

We have been doing this long enough, we do not have a problem falling asleep and getting the sleep we need before our driving shift begins.    When we first started driving as a team we really struggled to get quality sleep. We had a few tricks we used such as cooling the sleeper as much as possible and using a fan, keeping the sleeper as dark as a cave,  using ear plugs, lavender sheet spray, no caffeine after lunch, and went to bed early enough to be able to read and relax before going to sleep. The driver can also help with this by driving as smooth as possible and limiting their stops.   We do not use the CB at night and the XM radio is turned down low.   We replaced our existing mattress with a memory foam mattress that stopped the bouncing going down the road.   Once we were able to stop bouncing while we were trying to sleep, we were able to get the sleep issue under control.

Bob & Linda Caffee
Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical
Saint Louis MO
Expediters 5 years been out here on the road ten years
[email protected]


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