It's a Team's Life

See you at Expedite Expo 2016
Our first Expedite Expo was in 2004 and we have not missed one since. People we have met at the Expo, workshops attended, and vendors we have visited with have directly affected our business.
The more you put into the Expo the more that will be gained. This is the perfect opportunity to increase your revenue by learning from others that are performing the same job as you. There are so many tips and tricks to learn it would be impossible to write them all down. They are only learned though if you reach out to others, talk to vendors, and attend workshops.
Some of the things to do once the Expedite Expo starts:
Friday July 14th 8:00 AM
Start the day with a walk! This year we will only have the walk on Friday and we will walk approximately one mile. There are some pretty cool places to see in Lexington and this is a great way to check them out. We will meet in the lobby of the Convention Center and return to the lobby of the Convention Center. No need to dress up, walk in your PJ's, your exercise clothes, or a tie and suit. All are welcome! TA Petro will once again be sponsoring with some nice gifts.
Friday & Saturday
Pre Trip Challenge - All day on Friday and Saturday until 12:00. For some this is just another day in paradise and they will have no problem spotting many of the defects. The challenge though is meant as a learning experience for everyone. Some of the defects planted on the truck are obscure items and a gotcha for a DOT officer wanting to write a violation. The challenge is meant to be fun and informative for all. On Saturday at 12:30 Homer Hogg, TA/Petro will demonstrate how to perform a proper pre trip, show where all of the defects are, and explain why they are defects. Great time to learn before you have a gotcha at a scale. We will be using our truck for the Pre-Trip this year.
Friday & Saturday 10:30 & 12:00
Getting the most out of your automated transmission and engine. Why does my truck react this way? I have a hard time getting my truck into cruise control going down a mountain... Attend these workshops and ask WHY!!!
Stoops Booth
Saturday 1:00 PM
Buying Fuel Intelligently Workshop - Probably more then you ever wanted to know about buying fuel and how to get the most fuel for your money. Learn why sometimes the higher priced fuel is actually the better deal. Bretty Hecker, TA will be talking about bio fuels and why they make sense to purchase.
Bob & Linda Caffee
Saint Louis MO
Expediters since January 2005
[email protected]
Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle;
Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;
Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;
Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.