It's a Team's Life

Pre -Post Trip = Sasquatch sighting?
By participating in the Pre Trip Challenge at Expedite Expo you will learn how to hone your skills. Learn to see the unobvious defects that are in plain site of a DOT officer. What is really considered a defect and what is not? Many women including myself think we are horrible at performing a PERFECT pre trip and this is a chance to learn more while having fun. The challenge is for education and to learn why some things are a defect and others or not. Last year a lady who insisted that she was horrible at pre trips and did not really want to participate finally said all right I will try.... She got third and was totally shocked. Stop by the booth to not only visit but to give the pre trip a try and then come back on Saturday to see Homer Hogg, from TA/Petro show how to do a proper pre trip and to also show where the defects are.
Every time you walk by a truck whether it is your or another's we all have a tendency to look it over for a visible defect, worn tires, mud flap missing, a light out. or something puddling under the truck. Some things we think are defects are really old wives tales and are not based on fact. Learn the difference and save yourself some hassle at the scale house by participating in the Pre Trip Challenge.