It's a Team's Life

Possible New Trucking Rules for 2023
Every year the United States Department of Transportation looks to adding new rules to the trucking industry. Here is a list of possible thinking that could be added in 2023 as new rules.
The first one could be Speed Limiters on trucks. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) in the second half of 2023 will be publishing a proposed rulemaking and we will find out what speed they will be proposing to impose on trucks.
The second one could be data being transmitted from a truck to roadside enforcement. This information could include driver, carrier, truck, etc information. The FMCSA received comments in Nov 2022 on this. We might learn sometime in 2023 on possible rulemaking on this.
The third one could be requiring automatic emergency braking system. Some manufacturers already offer this on trucks. The FMCSA could possibly do a rulemaking it required on all new manufactured trucks starting with a certain year model.
The fourth one could be side and rear underride guards. This year will be for the rear underride of trucks. The FMCSA in 2023 will study side underride guards.
The fifth one could be an Entry-level Driving Training. Standardize and enhance the new drivers entering the industry, third party are allowed to both train and test new drivers.
The sixth one could possibly adding hair and oral fluid testing. These two new testing methods could be added in 2023.
The seventh one will be changes about the Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse. In 2023 the clearinghouse will have three years of data. With that carriers will not have to check with prior carriers since the clearinghouse will only hold three years of data.
The eighth one could be what is an Independent Contractor. With California implementing the AB5 legislation. The US Department of Labor is looking at redefining what is an Independent Contractor.
The nineth one is a New Entrant Exam. The FMCSA already has a program for New Entrants, to monitor safety of the new carrier. The FMCSA is looking to add an “Exam” to each New Entrants.
The tenth and last one is a CSA Review. Congress had directed the National Academy of Sciences to a better more rigorous process. Now in 2023 we will see some resolution with this new review process.
Those are the only ones we could find. That does not mean there are possible other ones that have not been made public or we missed.
Sandy & Stephen
Pinch Hitting for TeamCaffee