It's a Team's Life

Personnel Protection Equipment
Personnel protection equipment (PPE)…some shippers and receivers might require you have certain types of PPE. We carry hard hats, safety vests, safety glasses, and ear protection. Some shippers and receivers might supply some of the PPE you maybe required to wear while onsite or the dock area.
An example of this is we have picked up and delivered at facilities that require you have carry a gas mask. The site will provide you the mask and training on how to use it and if you have to use it where you go to be safe. This same site also required us to carry a two-way radio to be able to communicate directly with the safety office. We both looked funny with something hanging off of each shoulder.
Another example really good friends of ours was at a dock that required steel toe boots. But neither one had a pair of them. The location suppled slip over steel toe shoes that looked a lot like Crocs. They even sent us a picture of what they looked like. So, they allowed us to include a picture of them. So, see what these “go to the fancy ball” look like.
Most of our PPE we have collected from locations that we have had to have it. The site provided to us and we were told to keep it. The hard hat in the picture below was give to us at a mining site. Even if you were not on site you had to have one on. It is not shown but some sites will put stickers on your hard hat showing that your site training is up to date. All of the ear protection in the picture was provide to us also.
If you see a sign at a site that lists or shows PPE equipment required or suggested ask questions if you need to comply with the rules of that customer. Even if you do not see anyone one the site using any of the PPE. Better to be to comply with want the customer wants then get yelled at or possibly kicked off the site and told never come back.
Here is a picture of one of our PPE that we carry on the truck.
Sandy & Stephen
Pinch Hitting for TeamCaffee