It's a Team's Life

Organize Load Securement Equipment
As expeditors we all have a lot of load securement equipment. We have to be creative on how to organize and store this equipment on our trucks. We have found a few items that help us do just that.
First is a E-track utility bag. We use four of them us store all of our E-track straps. Each bag holds up to 10 straps and make it easy to organize them by the different lengths.
The picture above is two different brands and are different size.
The next one is a storage utility bin. We have three of them and use them to store corner protectors, E-track “O” rings, and strap hooks. We have found that corner protectors do not store well in the utility bags.
This bin is for corner protectors.
This bin is for O rings and strap hooks.
We also use yellow rack for storing our load bars. They come in a three, four, or six bay E-track configurations. We use the six bay one for load bars and another one to organize our step ladder and brooms.
Yellow rack holding step ladder and brooms. Also, the O ring for our Allen T handle to adjust our pallet jack forks. The other O ring is for the Velcro straps we use to keep straps rolled up.
What is nice about all of the above are they are easy to move around in the box of the truck. Depending on freight you have to haul they are not permanently mounted to the wall.
Sandy & Stephen
Pinch Hitting for TeamCaffee