It's a Team's Life

National Night Out
National Night Out (NNO) is yearly event put on by participating Police Departments (PD). The event is always the first Tuesday in August (except in Texas it is the first Tuesday in October). Our Clearcreek Township PD puts on this event (there 18th year) and we volunteer helping out where they need us.
There was free food (hamburgers and hot dogs), the fire department performed a training extraction on a vehicle with the jaws of life.  A care flight helicopter landed and was a big hit with the kids they got to climb into it. Our township road and park departments displayed dump trucks, backhoes, mowers that were open and let the kids climb all over them. A local petting zoo brought animals for the kids to pat, and they had two horses they gave lead rides. Other law enforcement agencies also show up our county prosecutor, the FBI, the county Sheriff (they do K9 demonstrations). Local health care/hospitals put up tents and will do blood pressure/health checks. Our police have a bike safety area setup teaching kid how to be safe on a bike. Another setup the police do is safety town, this is peddle cars and teaches the kids rules of the road. This year’s event was a success with over 800 people attending.Â
But pictures are worth a thousand words.
Grand Prize (a bike) raffle announcement.
After the use of jaws of life.
Petting zoo.
Care Flight has landed.
Sandy & Stephen
Pinch Hitting for TeamCaffee