It's a Team's Life

Magical Expedite Expo 2011

By Linda Caffee
Posted Jul 26th 2011 3:30AM

The 2011 Expedite Expo was just that “Magical” as so many positive events and incidents happed from the time we arrived till it was time to leave and pickup our next load.  Magical happens with the right event and the right people all come together to share ideas.


The Caffcadia in the Truck Pro Series Booth

When we arrived we had just enough time to clean up our truck, attend a Trucking Solutions Group Conference Call, meet with friends for supper before we retired to bed.   We put our truck in the Truck Pro Booth inside the truck show first thing in the morning and there was no looking back we were constantly on the go.   Our truck was the focal point for the Truck Pro series and the truck made quite an impression; those new signs are sure hard to miss.


Women In Trucking Workshop and did we laugh and have fun!

Highlights of the Expedite Expo were the people, ones we knew, ones we meet, and workshops we attended.   The people are what make the Expedite Expo “magical” and why we keep coming back.   My voice is tired from all the people we talked and spent time with.   Some of my favorites were:



The PJ walk and did we have some awesome PJ's this year!

Dexter and Heather as well as Jim and Judy who are both researching the industry.   We had fun talking with these couples, listening to their questions, their hopes, and their dreams.   We would look up like proud parents and see them out and about talking to vendors and other expediters.   They are doing it right before getting into Expediting.



Doesn't everyone play corn hole in a ballroom?  We had fun

Steve and Joy have been attending the Expo, workshops, as well as MATS for a couple years now waiting for their youngest to graduate.   This is the year and they will be entering the industry.   They amaze us with their knowledge and their ability to have fun.   There will be another challenge of a corn hole game when we see them out on the road, as they are tough competitors.


The list of expediters who attend the Expo and are our friends could cover this page…   Each and everyone of them have touched our lives and when we all get together it is magical and we have all been doing this for many years and we still lean on each other for ideas and support.   It is always a joyous occasion when we meet up on the road and have time to sit down and chat.   We had a few of our truckload carrier friend’s stop by this year, which was awesome.   Jeff Clark, the marathon trucker who has participated in 8 marathons stopped by to walk with us and see the Expo, Rick Ash, president of the Trucking Solution Group attended all of the expo and he really enjoyed meeting many expediters whom he had not met while attending other trucking shows.  


Henry Albert and Dick McCorkle, Slice of Trucker Life was in attendance to show off their Cascadia’s.   Henry had his truck and trailer in the show and was able to highlight many of his fuel savings tips.   Both Henry and Dick are appreciated at the expo for their knowledge of the trucking industry.   The tractor-trailer drivers as well as the straight trucks appreciate them for their knowledge of Freightliner, their driving experience, as well as business tips.   Henry’s fuel mileage with his rig is often better than many of the straight trucks fuel mileage.   You can read more about Dick and Henry on their blog site:

Henry Albert and also see tips on how to get better fuel mileage on Henry’s YouTube site Truckinomics


Getting to meet "Cliff" AKA John Ratzenberger was amazing and was able to give him a personal tour of our truck.  He is as nice as I hoped he would be.


The workshops once again were awesome and I enjoyed learning more about CSA 2010, as it appears to be a moving target the more we learn the more they change the rules.   John Mueller, the instructor for this class does a first rate job, with Terry O’Connell stepping in every once in awhile to add what he has learned and witnessed out on the road.


Fun events were of course the Casino Night put on by CIS, Commercial Insurance Solutions, which happens to be the insurance, we use.   John and Shelly have hit a winner here and the event is standing room only.   Bob looks forward to this event each year, which is funny as he is not a gambler.   I enjoy watching the people and this year slipping off to play Corn Hole and listen to the band Pure Grain.   What a night.   The NASCAR simulator was there as well I was finally able to get first place with Henry Albert beside the car coaching me.  


Lawrence and Debbie McCord in front of the BBQ who without their help would not be the successful event that it is.  The Drivers did a awesome job cooking the meat On Time Media Provided.


The drivers BBQ was once again a huge hit and a great chance for some of us to sit back and talk each other about the show and talk about the next years Expo.   This was our 7th Expedite Expo and this one was the most “magical” yet as we had a chance to meet with vendors, other attendee’s, newbies as well as friends in the expedite industry.



The Cascadia sporting the Real Wheel Aero covers all around

We started into this industry by attending our first Expedite Expo in 2004.   The Expo was Magical then for different reasons then it is now, the first as it was life changing, now it is to help us stay profitable on the road.   We cannot wait for Expedite Expo 2012!


Bob & Linda Caffee

Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical 


Saint Louis MO

Expediters 6 years been out here on the road 11 years

[email protected]


Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle; 

Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;

Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;

Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.