It's a Team's Life

Internet Problems

By Linda Caffee
Posted May 2nd 2012 3:54AM

My WiFi broke and I was no longer able to access the Internet with my computer.   We were on loads where we could not stop while loaded and we did not have time between loads to get a new WiFi and get the Sprint Overdrive set up.  

I use the Internet a lot and some say I am addicted to being online and my computer; I say this is not true.   Using the Internet is how we are able to stay away from home for extended periods of time and our bills get paid on time.

Internet is used to research our settlement direct deposits from FedEx Custom Critical, which I cross-reference, to our loads and the load pay.   Using our bank I am able to pay bills on line and to quickly see the balances in our accounts and to reconcile.

Email and Facebook is how we stay in touch with friends and family.   Through email I correspond with people who are involved in the organizations I am involved with.   Email is a handy tool as I can email a person questions without worrying I have disrupted their work as they can read and respond at their leisure.   Picking up the phone at times seems totally foreign to me for certain issues.

Internet is used to research fuel prices and to also track the balances in our T-Chek fuel account.   The weather page is researched to see if we are heading into any bad weather and if we might need to reroute.

Internet is also a tool that is used to keep up with what is happening in the trucking industry and usually how we find out about new regulations.   Various sites are visited each day or every couple of days to stay abreast of current events.

I was able to check my email on my phone and take care of a few issues, but there were many things I was not able to do and each day the stress mounted.   As each day passed I was a little further behind on my work and I quickly realized how much I depend not only on my computer to work but also our Internet service.

I was able to get the Sprint Overdrive replaced in Jacksonville, FL and it quickly developed problems and it was once again replaced in Seattle, WA.   It was hard at times to convince the tech person that sending a replacement to our house was not a viable option.  

All has been working well for the past month and I hope my Internet problems are behind me for the time.   It was a nightmarish experience and one that I hope I do not repeat in the near future.