It's a Team's Life


By Bob & Linda Caffee
Posted Nov 24th 2010 12:06AM


Jerry and Jen have lots of patience dealing with new people to the business and do not mind sharing their vast store of knowledge.   We spent as much time as possible with them over the next few days picking their brains.   I learned better ways to keep track of our business using spreadsheets, what is and what is not deductible, and we learned  about FedEx Custom Critical.   Jerry and Jen encouraged us to pursue getting our DoD clearances even though we were not White Glove. We slowly chipped away the resistance to surface trucks being allowed to haul these loads and within a few years, the barriers finally crumbled.   I believe through their persistence, our persistence, and  DoD loads going crazy we were able to pave the way to allow FedEx Custom Critical Surface trucks to haul government loads.  

We were invited to be in one of the first if not the first DoD class that included surface drivers.   Before the class, we had picked Jerry and Jen’s brains on how to handle these loads and what to expect.   The DoD class was tough and intimidating with lots to learn on new rules and regulations.   We were and are still lucky to have Jerry and Jen as mentors and have been able to avoid many of the pitfalls hauling DoD loads.   Through their guidance, I believe we have been able to do an exemplary job handling these loads.

Jerry and Jen have answered many questions over the years from how to find the “Explosives” gate at a base, how to traverse the country hauling an explosives load, how to be handle weather situations, and just all around questions.  

Jerry and Jen are examples of people doing it right and being willing to offer their help to others to also do it right.   We have been lucky to find people like Jerry and Jen who are in our corner helping us to be all that we can be!

Bob & Linda Caffee
Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical
Saint Louis MO
Expediters 5 years been out here on the road ten years
[email protected]


Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle;
Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;
Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;
Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.