It's a Team's Life

How, Why, When did Bob and Linda get into trucking?
In 1998 Bob and I realized that before long both of our daughters were going to be gone off to college and not going to return to the small town of Elkhart, KS. The prospects of the empty house without our two energetic girls did not sound to appealing to either of us. We had a after hours business of repairing trucks at customers locations for several years. Each night after work and on Saturdays Bob would spend some time working on others trucks and if the girls had nothing going on I would go as a gofer or to assist.
One of the oil field trucks that Bob worked on, the owner wanted to enter into a truck show and he wanted Bob to help him. They spent hours perfecting this working truck and finally off to MATS and its first show. While Bob was there he started talking to other husband and wife teams and he decided that driving a truck for a living was in our future. At that time we had never heard of expediting and so our first start was in the tractor-trailer world after Bob went to truck driving school. Bob drove and I navigated and took care of the paperwork but before long the honeymoon was over and we realized that this was not a segment of trucking we enjoyed so the search was on. Then we found expediting and we got back into trucking as owner operators and the rest in history.
We have created a nine part series of how we got the idea to leave our day jobs with benefits and become truck drivers and then finding expediting. We talk about the difficulty of learning to sleep in a moving vehicle, how to stay away from home for long periods of time, and the problems that we had to get to where we are today.
All of the series has not been published but there are several of them up and you can find the list here as Part 1 and so on.
Team Run Smart - Bob and Linda Caffee
The series starts in October 2016 and the last video will be posted in December 2016 .
Bob & Linda Caffee
Saint Louis MO
Expediters since January 2005
[email protected]
Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle;
Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;
Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;
Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.