It's a Team's Life

Happy New Year 2023
Hope everyone had a prosperous 2022. Now it is time to ring in a new year 2023. It is time to look back at 2022 and make plans to improve or changes or continue doing what works for you.
We take this week between Christmas and New Years to get things ready for 2023. Get all of our spreadsheets updated for 2023. Build out our folders for 2023 as in for hard copy receipts and on the hard drive. Start sorting and filling all of the 2022 receipts. Get things lined up for getting to our tax person for them to do our 2022 tax returns.
We had a good 2022 and are not making any major changes. Only a few small changes to or business plan. Those changes are we plan to budget more money for maintenance on the truck. It is getting older and expect to have more repairs. Increase the budget for our contributions to our Roth IRAs. The IRS has increased to contribution limits for 2023.
Here is to everyone have a wonderful and prosperous 2023.
Sandy & Stephen
Pinch Hitting for TeamCaffee