It's a Team's Life

Half a Century

By Bob & Linda Caffee
Posted Sep 18th 2010 4:09AM

I keep wondering what happened during the aging process.   I have visions of growing old gracefully, getting gray hair and acting very dignified.   Not sure what the heck went wrong with my plan, but it got side tracked somewhere along the line.


I get odd looks as I bob my head to alternative music and ask for new music to be played.   Somehow I never crossed over to country music and I never got stuck in any era.   I like alternative, I like rap, I like liquid metal and I do not like slow sad melodramatic music.   I like a hard, fast beat that I can move my body to.   Nope, I don’t dance, but I can move rather well while driving a truck and head bang with the best of them.

I never did get around to slowing down or to like the sedate, easy going rides at amusement parks.   I like roller coasters and I like the ones that spin a lot and go along upside down!   I have never liked rides that just take me up in the air and drop me and I still think they are a waste of time.   I enjoy water rides that get me soaked and cause me to laugh all of the way through.   I do not like 3-D rides as they usually make me sick.


I have found that I do not recover as quickly when I hit the ground, so I have slowed down some on being to crazy.   I have found a new passion; riding our ATV.   We bought the ATV when we bought our house; the ATV pulls the mower and we have a lot to mow.   I soon discovered that if the ATV was that much fun to ride pulling a mower; I needed to unhook it and let it stretch its heels!   I have a new toy to play on.   The ATV did teach me a hard lesson when I pushed it too far and it came over backwards on me and I now have a permanent indentation on my arm.   That is when I had the revelation that I might be breakable and not heal as fast.   I am sure the ATV is not done teaching me lessons.


I also have a friend who allows me to go horseback riding with her.   I look forward to those rides with her and have learned that trail riding can be pleasurable.   Pat lets me ride one of her horses, Jack that used to run barrels and was roped off.   Jack, also was shown in trail riding and still remembers some of what he was taught.   Jack is older now and perfect for me as he is calm and, when asked, will run with the best of them.   He and I did rather well at a fun show that Pat took us to and we remembered  how to run barrels and enjoy quick starts, quick turns and quick stops.

The next thing we are going to try is Zip Lining.   There is a brand new place near Saint Louis our family is going to try out.    I have still not been white water rafting, have not traveled to the bottom of the Grand Canyon on a mule, and I have not tried my hand at driving a sprint car on a dirt track.   I have a lot on my bucket list to accomplish even though I have knocked a lot off of my bucket list.

Someday the porch will call my name louder and I will be happy to sit and watch as others enjoy all that life has to offer! Bob still just looks at me and shakes his head as I climb aboard the next roller coaster, get back on the ATV,  take off with fishing pole in hand, or to see Pat and go for a horseback ride.   Life has been good to me and I plan on enjoying every single day that I have.   It’s all about attitude!

Bob & Linda Caffee
Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical
Saint Louis MO
Expediters 5 years been out here on the road ten years
[email protected]


Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle;
Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;
Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;
Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.