It's a Team's Life

When the cost is hidden it is easy to assume something is free. When we go to truck shows the vendors often have something they are giving away for free… This can be a pen, pencil, or another form of advertisement. When we register for a free prize they now have value as they have your name and contact info to sell you something or even to sell your info. The “free” giveaways are purchased by the vendor and the cost of those free giveaways or paid for by those that buy their products.
When we hear something is funded by the government how many think of where the government gets their money? From those of us that work and pay taxes. When the government gives stimulus money or ‘free” health care that is our tax dollars at work.
Right now there seem to be a lot of people on the “free” train or the “I deserve it train” and yet I do not think that my tax money should be used for someone else to get something for “free”. When young people perfectly capable of working are in subsidized housing it is not the government helping them out it is you and me that are working paying their rent.
Recently I was asked what was the number one thing in our country that is making it difficult to do our jobs, the answer they wanted was road conditions. I believe this year that has changed to the number one problem is people being paid to not work due to Covid and in return not being able to pay taxes. Roads are expensive and it is our tax dollars that pay for the roads we drive on.
How many businesses have gone bankrupt this year or have been given subsidy money (tax dollars) to stay closed? Where does the subsidy money come from? Exactly, those of us still going to work every day.
Some day the “free” train is going to derail and when it does so will the value of the dollar.
Bob & Linda Caffee
Saint Louis MO
Expediters since January 2005
Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle;
Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;
Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;
Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.