It's a Team's Life

Council Meetings

By Bob & Linda Caffee
Posted Mar 10th 2011 1:23AM

Driver Council has evolved over the years and is not a simple endeavor.   While our meetings are fun they are serious and we discuss many of the issues that are affecting the fleet as a whole.   Council members represent all of different truck sizes as well as the divisions within FedEx Custom Critical.

We meet on Sunday night with just the drivers and the safety liaison to discuss amongst ourselves issue we have heard or seen on the road.   We do this so we can present ourselves as a cohesive unit to management.   We have found over the years that this allows us to hash out the details amongst ourselves and figure out what is rumor or fact. The actual meeting lasts between four to five hours and than we catch up with each other and how things have been on the road.  

The next morning we start early and as we all head to the office I smile as we all look like successful executives, which we all are in our respective trucking businesses.   All of the drivers are dressed in suits, others in dress shirts while carrying briefcases and laptops.    We all troop into the boardroom prepared with agenda’s and sharp pens and our minds ready to take on the day’s meetings.  

We spend the day intermingling the management’s agenda with our agenda and we are given as much time as we need to discuss each point of interest.   CSA 2010 has been many of our topics of discussion as we have a problem with speeders as well as tickets for not using seat belts.   These points concern all of us as our customers are seeing these scores and they are making decisions to where they want to put their freight.   We have discussed different ways using incentives or severe measures to reduce these two scores.

The council is varied and we spend time discussing Canada policies, sole concerns, T-Val concerns, White Glove concerns, as well as Surface expedite.   We have representatives from each division attend the meetings while we are having these discussions, which have proven to work very well for all concerned.  

We have learned to have patience as the corporate world moves slowly and often policies we would like to see changed can take months to happen and sometimes nothing happens.   All of us go into these meetings knowing that we are meeting with FedEx Custom Critical management not Caffee custom critical.

We have enjoyed our time on council and some of the changes we have helped to form and also the time spent getting to know the management team.   We hope our relationship continues on as council members, but when it our turn to give up our seat to a new member we will look back at our council days with fond memories.

While attending the council meetings we have one nice dinner out which we all attend.  This meeting we were at Wasabi and had a great time.



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Bob & Linda Caffee

Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical 


Saint Louis MO

Expediters 6 years been out here on the road 11 years

[email protected]


Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle; 

Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;

Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;

Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.