It's a Team's Life

Cascadia Air Tabs

By Bob & Linda Caffee
Posted May 19th 2011 2:24PM


The weekend was sunny and nice and it was time to get the Air Tabs added to our truck.   Bob washed the area where the Air Tabs would be installed and within an hour he was done.

Bob has done this a few times first by adding them to our M2 and then helping Jeanie and Susie install them on trucks at the Expedite Expo.   Bob must be doing something right as we have never lost an Air Tab through the many washes the truck went through as well as trees brushing the sides and roof of the box.

The Cascadia rides very nice and is very quiet it is hard to tell how bad the wind really is blowing.   We no longer have wind noise coming through our doors as we did in the old truck.   We can tell stories of going across the Interstates with the wind blowing and having a blanket wrapped on the left side of our bodies as we were freezing.   This truck that is not happening and from other owners we have talked to it will not ever become an issue.

The Air Tabs will work with the aerodynamics of the Cascadia and will help to overcome the addition of an aftermarket sleeper as well as the straight box.

Find out more about Air Tabs here or come to the Expo and meet Jack and the gang to hear about Air Tabs in person.


Bob & Linda Caffee

Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical 


Saint Louis MO

Expediters 6 years been out here on the road 11 years

[email protected]


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