It's a Team's Life

Carbon Monoxide
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, highly poisonous, odorless, tasteless, flammable gas that is slightly less dense than air. Common source of carbon monoxide is the partial combustion of carbon-containing compounds, when insufficient oxygen or heat is present to produce carbon dioxide. The most common source for trucking is a gasoline powered motor like a generator.
In our sleeper we have a Smoke and Carbon Monoxide detector. It is battery powered and yes, we replace the batteries twice a year. When we “fall” back (Daylight Standard Time) and “spring” forward (Daylight Savings Time) just like you should with your detectors in your house. We also have a backup detector in the truck just in case the current one stops working.
We like to have a dual detector since we are all limited on space in our trucks. It is mounted just above our heads and will sure wake you up it if goes off. Ours has only ever gone off once and it due to having smoke in the truck from the Espar heater fuel line breaking and putting diesel on the exhaust.
The most common but not limited to symptoms of Carbon Monoxide exposure are headache, dizziness, vomiting, and nausea. What should you do if you have these symptoms, get out to fresh air, seek medical help. Every year you hear of a few drivers dying from Carbon Monoxide exposure in their truck.
Most combo detector or not that expensive costing under $50.00. They can be found at hardware stores like Home Depot, Lowes, and Menards. You can also order one online and have it shipped to you. Some of the most common brands of dual detectors are First Alert, Kidde, Siterwell and X-Sense.
Sandy & Stephen
Pinch Hitting for TeamCaffee