It's a Team's Life

Can you make more money and keep it?
July 14th, 2016 the day before the Expedite Expo starts will be an all day workshop, "The Summit" hosted by owner operators. Workshops where we have learned the most practical useful knowledge have come when the speaker IS an owner operator. It is much easier to share and learn from someone who knows what it is like to actually drive the truck and also run the business.
We have found there is classroom reality and then there is reality in our day-to-day life as truck drivers and they don't always jive. Sitting through orientation we listen as the instructor tells us how to run our business, how to eat and stay healthy, how to treat customers, and how to drive our trucks. While never actually being in a truck, never actually delivering or picking up a load, and all of the interesting hardships that can add to our day.
Seminars are no different. We are told how to figure our fuel mileage, how to plan stops, why we should get out of our trucks and go exercise, and the list goes on and on and on of things we should do. We are listening to someone who usually works an eight-hour day, gripes if they do not get their fifteen-minute breaks, does not have an hour for lunch, and has to stay on the job a few minutes late. Then they go home prop their feet up, turn on the TV, and have an adult beverage and look forward to the weekend.
It is frustrating to sit and listen as the speakers ask, "Why don't you do this, or this or this?" or go site seeing, or go to the gym, or go walk in a state park. Not thinking about the fact we have driven all day fighting traffic, spent time circling the truck stop looking and hoping for a place to park, then getting out to do a post trip, followed up by paperwork, and getting our route ready for the next day. Another thought is while on one hand we listen to ways to reduce spending, such as sleeping with the windows open in the truck to stay cool or sleeping in a sleeping bag to stay warm in the winter then they want us to drive the truck somewhere so we can relax. How many who offer these cost cutting measures would think of doing this when they go home at night after a hard days work?
Being an owner operator is not easy and doing everything we can to stay profitable, and knowledgeable about our business puts more money in our pockets. If you are thinking about attending The Summit at this years Expedite Expo do not expect polished speakers, expect speakers who are owner operators currently driving a truck who are willing to share information about their business to help you in your business or give you ideas if you are wanting to become an owner operator. Knowledge is power and the more knowledge you have the better your chances are of success.
Owner Operators: Register for The Summit