It's a Team's Life

Barnapalooza 2012

By Linda Caffee
Posted Apr 26th 2012 3:03AM


This was the 4th year to host Barnapalooza and this year was the best!   We had perfect weather and lots of guests.   The first year of the party we had several out of town friends arrive on Saturday and the festivities began at six in the evening with a bonfire, dancing and fireworks.   We provide the BBQ and ask everyone to bring a side dish and there were some amazing side dishes!


Each year the party has grown and this year we had three tents in the front yard on Friday night and the party now begins on Friday night.   We start out with dinner at a local pub by the name of Barney T’s, which has good food and is a very relaxed and fun atmosphere.   Next we came back to the house and the official Bonfire began.   During the year when neighbors have extra wood they drop it off at the house and we now have some excellent sitting logs due to a neighbor.   We also have some dead trees in our forest and these are chopped up and dragged up to the bon fire area.


As Friday morning dawned bright and clear the guest woke up ready to start the days with target practice.   We have a target range at our house and we are able to shoot rifles and shot guns and as people open up the trunks of their cars it can be intimidating.   These guys come prepared to shoot!   We have all kinds of fun targets and the morning is spent enjoying the sunshine and guns.   We also had our first 5K and several of us took time out from the shooting and while some walked the 5K others ran the 5K.  


In the afternoon the guns are put away and the corn hole games come out!   This year we had 4 sets of boards and a line of people waiting to play.   The bon fire is still going strong at this time and guests mingle around the fire, the food, or get in line for the food.   We played corn hole till it got dark and then the music took over and the pace slowed down some.   Sitting around the bon fire talking with friends is a great way to end a fun packed day.   Some danced and played games while others just relaxed.


On Sunday morning we have our traditional “baggy omelets” for breakfast and everyone starts gathering their stuff.   It is sad watching the parade of people leaving but the date has been set for next year and we know we will see all of them again!

Bob & Linda Caffee

Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical 


Saint Louis MO

Expediters 7 years been out here on the road 12 years

[email protected]


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