It's a Team's Life

Are we losing our memories?
There are cameras EVERYWHERE and yet not to long after taking that photo it is deleted. It is great to always have a camera with us to get that special shot and then it is shared on Facebook or deleted to become lost in memories. Have you figured out a way to save those special pictures or will they in short time become lost in history and deleted, as you need more room to take more pictures?
How are we going to preserve our memories and pictures of loved ones? With online photos we no longer print our photos and then painstakingly create photo albums or scrapbooks. For graduation I made each of our girls a scrapbook made up of pictures, school papers, and newspaper articles of their lives up until graduation. It is kind of funny how often they pull those books out to prove a point such as they both know how to show pigs, steers, sheep, and horses. Those books are still very valuable to them.
During a recent scare all of my photos on my computer were what I thought lost and a terrible dread settled into the pit of my stomach. Christmas pictures, trips, just for fun pictures for the past ten years GONE... I knew that I had some of the history I enjoy looking at as I have randomly made several photo albums on line as gifts and a couple "baby" books of this truck and our last truck.
For the past several years for parents I have made them photo books of a year in our lives and they have been very well received. They enjoy showing their friends some of the crazy stuff we get involved in and it keeps them in the loop of what we are doing. I have made other books of special events but these have been very inconsistent and leave huge gaps out of special events.
After the scare of thinking I had lost all of my pictures I have determined that each year when I make a photo book for parents I am also going to make a book for us. That way we have photos that are easy to keep and something we can look back on and enjoy that same as we would our old photo albums. While the memories will always be in our heads it often takes a picture to remind us of the event.
Each year we have a large party at our house and after the party I have made small picture books. When it comes time for the party I lay out the books and it is fun to watch people go through them and laugh over a picture or start talking about how warm or cold it was that year. It helps to bring people together and to know they are a valued part of our lives.
The photo books are easy to make and there are many online choices to have them printed or if you have a Mac the books can be made using iPhoto and then submitted in the format that you are able to choose from. The books can be from small to tabletop masterpieces and will record a piece of history. Have you thought of a way to preserve your special memories?
Bob & Linda Caffee
Saint Louis MO
Expediters since January 2005
[email protected]
Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle;
Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;
Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;
Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.