It's a Team's Life

20 mph 3000 miles RAAM Day 2

By Linda Caffee
Posted Jun 15th 2012 4:51AM


Today was the day of finally getting something done that shows and also a day of being overwhelmed with hearing the many rules instead of just reading them.

The riders picked up their race packets, which included all of the vehicle markings and the reflective tape for their bikes and helmets.   It was a group effort to get the signs for the race in the correct positions as well as the slow moving triangle on the backs of the bike racks.   Then the riders had to start applying reflective tape to their spokes and their helmets.


We had our first crew meeting with the race officials and went over the 50 pages of rules and how the penalties will be administrated.   We also discussed how to “leap frog” so that we do not cause a caravan behind us, which is a penalty.   At night we have to keep the rider in our headlights at all times and passing another team at night makes this interesting.   


We spent the day working on the vehicles and also getting to know the riders better.   Friday will be a long  day where everything we have done will be inspected; of the vehicles, which includes all lights work, signs are places correctly, and the bikes, all of the spare wheels have reflective tape, and the helmets. We will have team pictures and then have our last mandatory team meeting with the crew and the bikers.

To learn more about each rider and the charity they are working with please see their web site:

Ohio Cycle Works Charities

All donations are shared with the other team members and met with high fives and way to GO!  There has been a few donations from the trucking industry and I hope we all will see more as we start this adventure. 

Bob & Linda Caffee

Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical 


Saint Louis MO

Expediters 7 years been out here on the road 12 years

[email protected]


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Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;

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