It's a Team's Life
11771 = 12.13
We have finally started hauling freight with our Cascadia and deadheaded to pick up the first load on September 14th. The odometer reading for our mile per gallon read out has us very excited about this Freightliner.
The average load since starting has been 1387 pounds and we have traveled 11,771 since the 14th. On paper our high mile per gallon has been 14.021 and our worst fuel mileage has been 11.25 coming out to a very nice average of 12.13 MPG.
With the price of fuel for September our fuel cost per mile run was .31 and this is figured on all of the miles the truck has traveled since the 14th. Our average discount for those diesel fills was .49 cents from cash price.
The new DT-12 transmission and OnGuard are still teaching us on what works well and what does not. It is still a little frightening when the truck goes into coast mode but it sure is fun watching the fuel mileage climb. We have the CC Band switch and the cruise has been set to unlimited so it will roll out till we hit the brake or the compression brake. When we are in a 75 to 80 mph state the rolling hills do not get us to that speed.
Winter fuel will be on us before we know it and that will
rein in our exceptional fuel mileage for a few months.
Bob & Linda Caffee

Saint Louis MO
Expediters since January 2005
Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle; 

Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;

Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;

Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.