If you guys want to DO something about these trucks instead of just whining on a forum here's an idea. Supposedly they are big into auto freight and many are based in Chicago, correct? Then I would suggest stopping and visiting the weigh stations between Chicago and Detroit and talking with the DOT cops and tell them point blank what is going on in your mind. Take some pics with you of these 350 and 450 (3500,4500) trucks with the dual wheels and the under 10 gvw markings and point out how limited they are under 10,000 lbs and your suspicions that they are mislabeled, overloaded or both.
You could also get the scale phone numbers and if you are following one approaching make a call to them or the state police.
Just remember that the guy you get popped may be running for the same carrier as you do.
Oh you mean be a snitch right? Where I come from snitches get stiches. Just leave um alone! Forget about it you will sleep better