What's Going on in the US House of Representatives?


Veteran Expediter
As was to be expected, Democrats, liberals and the mainstream media are in full attack mode, leading with the worn-out label of "MAGA Extremist" for the newly elected Speaker they don't even know.

Yeah, no ... the guy actually has a public record.

Of course this would have been the rhetoric aimed at any new Speaker, regardless of who the Republicans elected.

Not necessarily.

Let's face it - their mantra is to label any strong GOP candidate as a "MAGA Extremist", and the same applies to any American who would vote for them.


There are no "strong" GOP candidates ... they are all weak men ... who lack much in the way of virility and manliness.

This vitriol is not just reserved for Trump and his followers. For them it applies to conservatives in general, and Mike Johnson is a strong conservative.

Anything that passes for a "conservative in general" at this point IS a Trump follower.

Trump owns the party ... lock, stock, and barrel.

He should keep the Republicans united and get off to a good start by passing a continuing resolution to give the House time to cull through the remaining spending bills. If he sticks to his principles, he should have the support to get rid of the ridiculous Gaetz rule which allows one member to make a motion to vacate the chair.

Wanna lay odds on how all that goes ?


This will not only benefit him, but also future Speakers from either party. House Speakers should not be held hostage by fringe lunatics like the Gaetz 8 or the Squad.

I'd suggest you buckle up and get ready for some real fringe lunacy ...

Ain't no loon like one who thinks they have Jeebus™ as their personal co-pilot.

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Retired Expediter
As was to be expected, Democrats, liberals and the mainstream media are in full attack mode,
Like FOX, Breitbart and others were adoring fans of Nancy Pelosi, always saying nice things about her?
leading with the worn-out label of "MAGA Extremist" for the newly elected Speaker they don't even know.

"MAGA Mike" is the nickname given him by Matt Gaetz, not the liberal media. Regarding his views and actions on abortion rights, his views are indeed extreme; if you define extreme as his political beliefs and actions are significantly more conservative, far-right, or outside the mainstream of US public opinion. His abortion views and actions are well-documented. There is no ambiguity. The label "abortion-rights extremist" fits perfectly in this case.

No member of the US House is unknown to political reporters. They get there by being known by enough people in their districts to get elected. They get there by participating in public events, issuing press releases, meeting with journalists, debating their opponents, submitting disclosure information, having busy websites and social media accounts, and generating as much interest in themselves and their views as they possibly can. Almost all of them have prior history in lower offices and local activism where they have a very public track record.

I never heard of Mike Johnson until a few days ago. But it took me only minutes to learn about him. If I was inclined to invest the time, a few hours of study of the readily available information would give me a very good idea of who he is and what he is about. That goes double for journalists who can instantly tap the reporters and other sources in Johnson's district and know the man well. Because he is already a sitting House member, every media outlet and voter information service has abundant info on file that is easily tapped. His voting record, many speeches, etc. are all items of public record.

Of course this would have been the rhetoric aimed at any new Speaker, regardless of who the Republicans elected. Let's face it - their mantra is to label any strong GOP candidate as a "MAGA Extremist", and the same applies to any American who would vote for them.
No. Not any strong GOP candidate. News organizations often refer to certain House Republicans as "moderates."
This vitriol is not just reserved for Trump and his followers. For them it applies to conservatives in general, and Mike Johnson is a strong conservative.
You are painting with too broad a brush.
He should keep the Republicans united and get off to a good start by passing a continuing resolution to give the House time to cull through the remaining spending bills.
Early indications support your assertion. A honeymoon period clearly exists. Republicans who wold not easily agree to a continuing resolution before are now agreeing to give Johnson the continuing resolution he is asking for.

The big big question is how long will this honeymoon period last, and how long will Johnson keep his speaker's seat? I did not realize until the recent leadership crisis brought it to light that the House Republicans consistently turn on their speakers and force them out in one way or another. there is little reason to believe Johnson will be any different. He may make it through Election Day, 2024, but Republicans will lose the House then, and Johnson will lose his seat that way.

If he sticks to his principles, he should have the support to get rid of the ridiculous Gaetz rule which allows one member to make a motion to vacate the chair. This will not only benefit him, but also future Speakers from either party. House Speakers should not be held hostage by fringe lunatics like the Gaetz 8 or the Squad.
On that we agree. But I'm not sure the fringe lunatics who now have the power the rule gives them will easily give it up.
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Retired Expediter
Why the Republicans Will Lose the US House in 2024

1. House Republicans just elected one of the most far-right, hardliner, anti-abortion extremists in their caucus to the House Speaker's seat. And EVERY Republican in the House voted for him.

As detailed here, abortion rights is the defining issue of 2024. Now elevated to speaker, Mike Johnson instantly became the poster child of anti-abortion extremism. By elevating him, Republicans gave every Democratic, third-party and independent opposition candidate a way to tie every incumbent Republican US House candidate to Johnson's extreme views, which are far out of step with the general public. While there will be some districts where Johnson's views are welcome, there are not enough of them for Republicans to keep the House in 2024.

2. Even if the Republicans elected a pro-abortion rights Speaker, they will still lose the House in 2024. That's because the majority is razor thin and some of the seats they flipped from blue to red in 2022, will flip back in 2024. I'm talking especially about a number of seats in New York. Last cycle, the Democrats ignored the sentiment of the people regarding cash bail. They adopted ludicrous policies that literally prevented law enforcement from locking people up who should have been locked up. That blunder cost them dearly on Election Day. They have learned their lesson and will not make the same mistake twice. Those seats alone will be enough to flip the US House from red to blue.

While MAGA people are no doubt thrilled to have "MAGA Mike" in the speaker's seat, this will be their last hurrah. Trump is a repeat loser of elections. Johnson will lose his seat in 2024, or sooner if the Republican House dysfunction bubbles up again. People will look back and say today's MAGA majority did everything it could to convince America they deserve to be a MAGA minority. People will say they squandered the power they once held.
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Retired Expediter
Republican House Caucus Dysfunction May Reignite

"Republicans hoped Mike Johnson’s ascension marked a detente from the personal vitriol of a three-week speaker fight. That ceasefire appears to be over already."

This Politico article could be passed off as a partisan spin piece designed to highlight Republican Party infighting that is not there, or if it is there, it is nothing more than the ordinary squabbles that continuously occur in any political body. Or the article may accurately describe why the unity achieved to elect Speaker Johnson was but a brief respite from the serious dysfunction now deeply embedded in the Republican caucus.

While time will tell, it certainly seems that the requisite fuel and oxygen exists. It won't take much for a Republican, or a group of them, to reignite the self-destructive inferno the Republican caucus lit before. Elevating "MAGA Mike" to the speaker's chair, may not calm the dysfunction, it may intensify it.

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Republican House Caucus Dysfunction May Reignite

"Republicans hoped Mike Johnson’s ascension marked a detente from the personal vitriol of a three-week speaker fight. That ceasefire appears to be over already."

This Politico article could be passed off as a partisan spin piece designed to highlight Republican Party infighting that is not there, or if it is there, it is nothing more than the ordinary squabbles that naturally occur in any political body.
"Partisan spin piece" describes it perfectly. Politico has always shown a left-wing bias.
Elevating extremist "MAGA Mike" to the speaker's chair, may not calm the dysfunction, it may intensify it.
What makes Mike Johnson an "extremist" ?


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Retired Expediter
What makes Mike Johnson an "extremist" ?
Explained above. And as I said in another reply: "Regarding his views and actions on abortion rights, his views are indeed extreme; if you define extreme as his political beliefs and actions are significantly more conservative, far-right, or outside the mainstream of US public opinion. His abortion views and actions are well-documented. There is no ambiguity. The label "abortion-rights extremist" fits perfectly in this case."
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
His abortion views and actions are well-documented. There is no ambiguity. The label "abortion-rights extremist" fits perfectly in this case."
So his anti-abortion/Pro-life positions make him a "MAGA Extremist"? His abortion positions not only represent his personal views but also are very likely in tune with the constituents of his district and the entire state of LA, which along with 12 other states outlawed abortion after the SCOTUS decision against Roe. Abortion rights are either banned or not protected in 27 states, and the laws vary widely among states across the country.

Speaking of extremism, when is the last time anyone heard the media refer to a left-wing or liberal "extremist"? Does a "Pro-abortion extremist" even exist?

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Retired Expediter
So his anti-abortion/Pro-life positions make him a "MAGA Extremist"?
I did not say he was a "MAGA extremist." I said he is an anti-abortion extremist.
His abortion positions not only represent his personal views but also are very likely in tune with the constituents of his district
As I said, there are districts in which his anti-abortion views are welcome.

Speaking of extremism, when is the last time anyone heard the media refer to a left-wing or liberal "extremist"?
I do not know because I don't know everyone. Personally, I do not recall anyone using that label, but I have not been looking for that either. When the riots developed after George Floyd's murder, it would not have surprised me to see the term then used by conservatives condemning the rioters.
Does a "Pro-abortion extremist" even exist?
Probably not. People who are pro-abortion rights do not encourage people to get abortions. They do not try to impose their abortion beliefs on others. For them, abortion is a deeply personal decision and people should have the right to make their own choices without government interference. Their focus is not on what the abortion decisions people make. It is on the laws that provide the freedom to choose.

On the other hand, and in sharp contrast, Johnson is an anti-abortion extremist. His views on abortion are clear and unwavering. He believes abortion is murder and should be illegal in all cases. He is a staunch anti-abortion advocate who has shown he will fight to restrict abortion access any way he can.
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Retired Expediter
Speaking of extremism, when is the last time anyone heard the media refer to a left-wing or liberal "extremist"?
I asked Google Bard:

Q. When is the term "left-wing extremist" or "liberal extremist" used and by whom is it used?

A. The terms "left-wing extremist" and "liberal extremist" are often used to describe individuals or groups who hold far-left political views and advocate for radical change. These terms can be used in a neutral way, but they are often used pejoratively to suggest that the people being described are dangerous or subversive.

The term "left-wing extremist" is often used by law enforcement and intelligence agencies to describe individuals or groups who they believe pose a threat to national security. For example, the FBI uses the term "left-wing extremist" to describe a variety of groups, including anarchists, communists, and environmental activists.

The term "liberal extremist" is also used by some conservatives to describe Democrats or other liberals who they believe hold extreme views. For example, some conservatives have used the term to describe liberals who support gun control or abortion rights.


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Retired Expediter
Let's Define "Extremist"

  1. a person who goes to extremes, especially in political matters.
  2. a supporter or advocate of extreme doctrines or practices.
  1. of a character or kind farthest removed from the ordinary or average: extreme measures.
  2. utmost or exceedingly great in degree: extreme joy.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Speaking of extremism, when is the last time anyone heard the media refer to a left-wing or liberal "extremist"? Does a "Pro-abortion extremist" even exist?

Wouldn’t that apply to those that are for late term and partial birth abortions? That’s outside the “mainstream”.


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Wouldn’t that apply to those that are for late term and partial birth abortions? That’s outside the “mainstream”.
Yes. By definition, an extreme view is one that lies outside the mainstream.

Extreme is a relative term. To know what extreme is, you must first know what the mainstream view or normal state is. If the normal high temperature for Orlando is 71 in January, and today is 80, it is a hot day. If it is 100, it would be an extremely hot day. In July, the normal high temp is 93, so the same 100 degrees would not be an extremely hot day.

From Google Bard:

"The percentage of the population that supports late-term abortions varies depending on how the question is asked. A 2023 Pew Research Center poll found that 19% of Americans believe abortion should be legal in the third trimester of pregnancy in all or most cases. However, a 2022 Gallup poll found that 34% of Americans believe abortion should be legal in the third trimester of pregnancy in some or all cases.

"It is important to note that there is a difference between supporting late-term abortion in all or most cases and supporting late-term abortion in some or all cases. The first view suggests that abortion should be legal in the third trimester of pregnancy regardless of the reason, while the second view suggests that abortion should be legal in the third trimester of pregnancy in certain cases, such as when the mother's life is in danger or the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest."
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Yes. By definition, an extreme view is one that lies outside the mainstream.

Extreme is a relative term. To know what extreme is, you must first know what the mainstream view or normal state is. If the normal high temperature for Orlando is 71 in January, and today is 80, it is a hot day. If it is 100, it would be an extremely hot day. In July, the normal high temp is 93, so the same 100 degrees would not be an extremely hot day.

From Google Bard:

"The percentage of the population that supports late-term abortions varies depending on how the question is asked. A 2023 Pew Research Center poll found that 19% of Americans believe abortion should be legal in the third trimester of pregnancy in all or most cases. However, a 2022 Gallup poll found that 34% of Americans believe abortion should be legal in the third trimester of pregnancy in some or all cases.

"It is important to note that there is a difference between supporting late-term abortion in all or most cases and supporting late-term abortion in some or all cases. The first view suggests that abortion should be legal in the third trimester of pregnancy regardless of the reason, while the second view suggests that abortion should be legal in the third trimester of pregnancy in certain cases, such as when the mother's life is in danger or the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest."
It’s a “relative term”.
Speaker Mike Johnson opposes abortion at 6 weeks. The heart beat of a baby in the womb is detected at that time. If someone has a pro life stance and is consistent with that belief, wouldn’t it be at six weeks? How is that extreme, relatively speaking?
It is merely a difference in size at that point.IMG_4772.jpeg


Veteran Expediter
US Navy
Look in the mirror, if your hairline is receding or your hair is grey,,,your old dude, your old,,,,imho


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
It’s a “relative term”.
Speaker Mike Johnson opposes abortion at 6 weeks. The heart beat of a baby in the womb is detected at that time. If someone has a pro life stance and is consistent with that belief, wouldn’t it be at six weeks? How is that extreme, relatively speaking?
It is merely a difference in size at that point.
Do you actually believe John opposes abortion at 6 weeks? If so, you would be wise to question your sources.

In fact, Johnson opposes abortion in all cases, except to save the life of the mother. That's what makes him an anti-abortion-rights extremist.

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Do you actually believe John opposes abortion at 6 weeks? If so, you would be wise to question your sources.

In fact, Johnson opposes abortion in all cases, except to save the life of the mother. That's what makes him an anti-abortion-rights extremist.

This is an opinion piece that doesn’t even mention Johnson’s 6 week “heartbeat” bill.


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
This is an opinion piece that doesn’t even mention Johnson’s 6 week “heartbeat” bill.
When I asked Google Bard: it gave me this response:

I know that Mike Johnson calls for a ban on all abortions because he has said so publicly on multiple occasions. For example, in a 2021 interview with The Guardian, he said:
"I believe that abortion should be illegal in all cases, with no exceptions."

More from Bard:

The bill that Mike Johnson co-sponsored that would ban abortion nationwide with no exceptions is called the Human Life Protection Act (H.R. 2067). It was introduced in the House of Representatives on January 25, 2023, and has 64 co-sponsors, all of whom are Republicans.

The Human Life Protection Act would make it a federal crime to perform an abortion, with no exceptions for rape, incest, or the life of the mother. Anyone who performs an abortion under the bill would be subject to a fine of up to $250,000 and/or imprisonment for up to five years.
Mike Johnson has said that he believes abortion should be illegal in all cases, with no exceptions. In a 2021 interview with Fox News, he said, "I believe that abortion is the taking of a human life, and that it should be illegal in all cases." He has also co-sponsored legislation that would ban abortion nationwide without exceptions.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
A link to the full article and the bill number would be helpful to get the entire context. It's obvious that Johnson is anti-abortion, but since he's working from the Speaker's chair now he might be open to allowing some exceptions similar to DeSantis's abortion law in FL. Regardless, his position on this one issue doesn't make him the radical extremist zealot that the Democrats and mainstream media are portraying him to be.