What's Going on in the US House of Representatives?


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Retired Expediter
Another One Comes and Goes

Emmer's out of the House Speaker race. Who's next? Can the Republicans elect anyone?
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Mike Johnson is next up. Don’t know a lot about him but he did a good job with questions in House hearings.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Regarding Trump's influence, Trump endorsed Jordan and Jordan was soundly defeated. Trump then let Republicans know he did not want Emmer nominated and Emmer was nominated. It makes one wonder how much influence Trump truly has in the House. It does not seem like much lately.
But Emmer dropped out soon after Trump’s comments so it appears there is still a lot of influence in the selection process in the House.


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
But Emmer dropped out soon after Trump’s comments so it appears there is still a lot of influence in the selection process in the House.
Not a lot of influence. Very little influence. If not for the fact that a speaker nominee needs all but 4 Republican votes to get elected, the militant Trump fanatics who have no interest in actually governing would have no influence at all. And the only influence they actually have comes from their ability to break things, not to build things.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Mike Johnson is the latest Republican Speaker Designate as of late Tuesday night. Vote could be held Wednesday afternoon unless he drops out too. Since he's not very well known, maybe he's got a chance



Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Mike Johnson is the latest Republican Speaker Designate as of late Tuesday night. Vote could be held Wednesday afternoon unless he drops out too. Since he's not very well known, maybe he's got a chance
If they end up putting all 221 Republican House members up for election to the speaker's seat, do they start over with the same list? About 20 have tossed their hat in the ring so far and none have been elected. That's pretty amazing when you remember that the nominees are running unopposed. They have no opponent in the race, and they still can't win.
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Retired Expediter
In what was originally expected to be a red-wave midterm election, Republicans barely eked out enough votes to win control of the US House. Now, notwithstanding the majority vote they enjoy, Republicans are struggling to elect their own speaker. ...

What does this say about the kind of order and governance we can expect from this MAGA-dominated group of Republican representatives? Little good, I'm sorry to say. ...

This ineptitude matters. The next election is less than two years away and voters tend to remember embarrassing incompetence like this. The "can't even elect their own speaker" trait that the MAGA Republicans are manifesting today will haunt them forevermore. They're going to hear "circular firing squad" and "gang that can't shoot straight" for a long time.
I said this (quote above) on Jan 3, 2023, when I started this thread. Little did I know than how true my words would be. Few people back then would have imagined the utter collapse of the House Republican caucus.
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Veteran Expediter
US Navy


Veteran Expediter
US Navy
This is Mike Johnsons background,,,I was hoping he had worked in industry, but that was not to be,,,

Prior to Congress, Johnson was a lawyer who mainly worked on religious freedom issues, successfully defending Louisiana's same sex marriage ban in 2004.30 mins ago--- o well
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Johnson looks solid. A victory for MAGA.
Looking back, it appears that this whole mess was an exercise in giving the party elders their chance to hold the position since it was "their turn", and they were rebuked. Thus, we have a start to a changing of the guard. Hopefully the Senate will be next, and Mitch McConnell and his lackeys can pass the baton. Scalise, Jordan and Emmer will still be important figures in the House or elsewhere in the GOP, and Johnson will have a chance to unite the Republican members going into 2024.
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Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Looking back, it appears that this whole mess was an exercise in giving the party elders their chance to hold the position since it was "their turn", and they were rebuked. Thus, we have a start to a changing of the guard. Hopefully the Senate will be next, and Mitch McConnell and his lackeys can pass the baton. Scalise, Jordan and Emmer will still be important figures in the House or elsewhere in the GOP, and Johnson will have a chance to unite the Republican members going into 2024.
Looking back, Matt Gaetz and his group of nihilists look brilliant. They took out McCarthy and every speaker candidate but Jordan. Jordan had too many enemies to win so he lost. The Freedom Caucus continued to take candidates out until the entire caucus was exhausted and finally surrendered. The result is new House Speaker "Maga Mike Johnson," a name given him by Gaetz.

The MAGA extremists got their Speaker, which assures them of losing the House in 2024. I'll write more about that later.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
As was to be expected, Democrats, liberals and the mainstream media are in full attack mode, leading with the worn-out label of "MAGA Extremist" for the newly elected Speaker they don't even know. Of course this would have been the rhetoric aimed at any new Speaker, regardless of who the Republicans elected. Let's face it - their mantra is to label any strong GOP candidate as a "MAGA Extremist", and the same applies to any American who would vote for them. This vitriol is not just reserved for Trump and his followers. For them it applies to conservatives in general, and Mike Johnson is a strong conservative.

He should keep the Republicans united and get off to a good start by passing a continuing resolution to give the House time to cull through the remaining spending bills. If he sticks to his principles, he should have the support to get rid of the ridiculous Gaetz rule which allows one member to make a motion to vacate the chair. This will not only benefit him, but also future Speakers from either party. House Speakers should not be held hostage by fringe lunatics like the Gaetz 8 or the Squad.