What's Going on in the US House of Representatives?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I'm not sure what to believe among the various reports. On one hand, there are reports like these that say Jordan will fall far short of the needed votes if his election comes up on the House floor this week.

On the other hand, there are reports that Jordan and his bomb-throwing far-right combatants will successfully intimidate Republicans into voting for Jordan by forcing a floor vote on the record and threatening to primary any Republican who votes against Jordan. Those reports point out the difference between the anti-Jordan votes cast on a secret ballot in a caucus meeting behind closed doors, and a public, on-the-record vote conducted on the House floor.
Good idea. Sunshine could be the best motivation.
While I'm unsure how this will turn out, the bully-your-way-to-Speaker strategy is depressing. If you buy into it, you buy into the idea that a number of House Republicans are cowards who can be intimidated into voting for someone they would otherwise not. And you buy into the idea that it is perfectly fine, maybe even honorable, to use brute force against your fellow Republicans to get what you want ... as if doing that will somehow build trust and enhance intra-party friendships and make it easy for Jordan to lead if he wins ... as if this strategy is cost-free and will build no festering resentments of any kind.
Apparently, the festering resentments are already there. Considering the chaotic situation that exists right now among the GOP conference, the use of strong-arm tactics by the Jordan team makes perfect sense. It looks like reasoning, back-scratching, deal making, and the team-play concepts have all failed with the petulant holdouts, so brute force is all that's left.
The latter strategy involves no deal making or mutual back scratching. It's about intimidation and fear, and mobilizing Republican voters against Republicans. What Jordan wants, Jordan gets, and if he does not get it, you will pay a huge price. We'll run a candidate against you in your own primary in your own district and thereby end your political career.
Results are what counts. LBJ was well-known for using this tactic to get things done in the Senate, and he was one of the most effective majority leaders ever. Since all else has failed, if that's what it takes to get a Speaker in place, so be it.
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Good idea. Sunshine could be the best motivation.
Motivation is healthy. Intimidation is not. I would like to believe that any elected official who serves at the high level of US Representative is a stand-up person of integrity and strength; a person who can make up one's own mind and act on one's own convictions. But when I see over 50 people vote in secret for one thing and then reverse themselves in public, I see no integrity and no strength at all.
Apparently, the festering resentments are already there. Considering the chaotic situation that exists right now among the GOP conference, the use of strong-arm tactics by the Jordan team makes perfect sense. It looks like reasoning, back-scratching, deal making, and the team-play concepts have all failed with the petulant holdouts, so brute force is all that's left.
Seems true on the Republican side. The Democrats are getting along just fine for the most part. They are cooperating and acting as a team.
Results are what counts. LBJ was well-known for using this tactic to get things done in the Senate, and he was one of the most effective majority leaders ever. Since all else has failed, if that's what it takes to get a Speaker in place, so be it.
Or, let there be bi-partisan cooperation to elect a consensus speaker favored by the majority of the full House.
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Considering the chaotic situation that exists right now among the GOP conference, the use of strong-arm tactics by the Jordan team makes perfect sense.
It does not make sense any more.

Jordan did far worse than expected on the first ballot. He could afford to lose only 3-5 Republican votes. He lost 20. Some of those voting against Jordan said outright they did so because they do not like how Jordan treated their friends in the House. In their cases, they responded to Jordan's strong-arm push with resentful push-back.

This is a shocking and humiliating defeat for Trump-endorsed Jordan and his allies. Some Jordan critics correctly say Nancy Pelosi knew how to count votes before bringing business to the floor. Clearly, Jordan does not. Accordingly, he is unqualified for the Speaker's seat. He knows how to strong-arm people. He does not know how to lead.

Next up: We don't know. The House is in recess subject to the call of the chair.

We do know this: House Republicans went live on national TV today to show America once again they can't govern.
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Veteran Expediter
Good idea. Sunshine could be the best motivation.

Jim Jordan is no fan of sunshine ...

If he were, he would have taken up the Jan 6th Committee on their subpoena and testified.

Apparently, the festering resentments are already there. Considering the chaotic situation that exists right now among the GOP conference, the use of strong-arm tactics by the Jordan team makes perfect sense.

Attempts by the weak to use strong-arm tactics only showcases their weakness.

It looks like reasoning, back-scratching, deal making, and the team-play concepts have all failed with the petulant holdouts, so brute force is all that's left.

Not a good idea to negotiate with terrorists.

The Bulwark noted that Boehner doubled down on this criticism of Jordan in April 2021 during an interview with CBS’s John Dickerson, who asked the former speaker about calling some lawmakers “political terrorists.”

“Oh, yeah, Jim Jordan especially, my colleague from Ohio. I just never saw a guy who spent more time tearing things apart—never building anything, never putting anything together,” Boehner replied.

Results are what counts. LBJ was well-known for using this tactic to get things done in the Senate, and he was one of the most effective majority leaders ever.

Thanks for reminding everyone which political party is effective and competent.


Since all else has failed, if that's what it takes to get a Speaker in place, so be it.

I'm sure Hakim Jefferies will keep that in mind.

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They should probably consider hiring Nancy P. to give them remedial math lessons ... so they can learn to count correctly.

A lot of people don't understand what goes on behind the scenes in a Capitol building. Some politicians are more skilled than others, and the ability to maintain an accurate whip count is a vital skill. Today, Jordan learned the limits of the bullying technique and the value of counting votes.
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It's Not Over Until it's Over

I'm reading now that US House will have another vote for House Speaker tomorrow, 11 AM. Jordan continues to work for votes. I'm thinking the 20 Republicans who voted against him the first time will grow in number on the next ballot. It was clearly demonstrated this afternoon that Jordan is not a shoe-in. It was bad for Jordan today. It could end up being even worse if additional Republicans abandon him.

In the meantime, the clock ticks as Jordan takes up time and space, proving for another day House Republicans can't govern.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Motivation is healthy. Intimidation is not. I would like to believe that any elected official who serves at the high level of US Representative is a stand-up person of integrity and strength; a person who can make up one's own mind and act on one's own convictions. But when I see over 50 people vote in secret for one thing and then reverse themselves in public, I see no integrity and no strength at all.
Welcome to the state of American politics; integrity is rare right now.
Seems true on the Republican side. The Democrats are getting along just fine for the most part. They are cooperating and acting as a team.
They absolutely are in lock step. Biden is a sock puppet for the Democrat party agenda. If anyone's in doubt as to what that agenda is, just look at CA right now or maybe Chicago or NYC for a smaller scale example.
Or, let there be bi-partisan cooperation to elect a consensus speaker favored by the majority of the full House.
That sounds good, but it's not realistic. The Democrat definition of bi-partisanship is for the GOP to cave and give them what they want. Right now the Republicans are hell-bent on making themselves look like fools. But who knows - maybe they'll elect Jordan after only 9-10 votes.
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Right now the Republicans are hell-bent on making themselves look like fools.
It is more serious than that and it's not just about the collapse of leadership in the House Republican caucus.

The Republican party is locked into a downward spiral of dysfunction. Like a patient fighting a losing battle with cancer, internal factionalism is killing the Republican Party. It's a painful, years-long process with various flare-ups and pauses.

With the factions deeply divided about the role of government, the desirability of democracy, an effective response to the declining proportion of the white race in America, America's role in a hyper-connected international marketplace, various social issues and more, the prognosis is terminal.

We are in the midst of a years-long process in which the Republican Party is collapsing. In the 1850's, the Republican Party emerged to fill the void left by the collapsing Whig Party. Soon, if the US Constitution remains intact, a new party or parties, better suited for modern times, will emerge to fill the void being created by the Republican Party. In the meantime, the nation suffers as the Republican Party patient suffers.
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"Jim Jordan’s allies attempted to badger House Republicans into making him speaker. Those tactics backfired on Tuesday, and could soon doom his speakership push outright."

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The Republican party is locked into a downward spiral of dysfunction. Like a patient fighting a losing battle with cancer, internal factionalism is killing the Republican Party. It's a painful, years-long process with various flare-ups and pauses.
The analysis below says the same thing I'm saying above, but with more authority. I'm not the scholar this writer is.

"For decades, party loyalty and discipline have been on the decline among both Republicans and Democrats, as changes in campaign finance law and the proliferation of new forms of media have weakened the parties’ grips over their members. But in the case of the GOP, Green said, the decline in party power has coincided with the rise of a new faction of conservative Republicans who are ideologically committed to weakening federal power and gumming up the inner workings of Washington. The result is a sort of perfect storm of Republican dysfunction, where macro-political trends and internecine disagreements combine to make the speakership the most difficult job in D.C.

“'The speaker fight is a culmination of a long decline in party power in the House,' said Green, who has written extensively about the speakership and speaker elections. 'This is a development that’s been going on now for several decades.'

"In the long run, said Green, that’s bad news for Republicans, since it means that any future speaker will have to navigate the same political minefield that brought down Kevin McCarthy — as well as Paul Ryan, John Boehner and Newt Gingrich before that."
(Full Article Here)
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Jordan Loses Again

Ballot two is complete. Twenty two House Republicans voted against Jordan this time. That's two more than voted against him on the first ballot. No one knows what's next. Everyone knows House Republicans can't govern.
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Speaker, Schmeaker. Who Need One Anyway? I Do, And I Mean It.

So now we hear Jim Jordan -- having lost two votes, and having lost the second vote worse than the first, and having virtually no chance of being elected as speaker in the third round -- thinks it best to have no votes on Wednesday and to have a vote on him for speaker on Thursday.

This isn't funny anymore. The House has been shut down for 15 days due to Republican dysfunction. I'm beginning to believe this is not accident. It's intentional. There is a Republican group in the House informally known as the "chaos caucus." They don't want government to work. They want government to not work. And for the last 15 days, the chaos caucus has been winning.

Once politically involved at a high level and full-time for many years, I have enjoyed being out of the fray in recent years. But, as I said, this isn't funny any more. While I know it is futile to try to try to convince anyone to change their minds about Trump, I also know that I can change a lot of minds about locally elected Republicans who can be directly linked to the House dysfunction we now see underway. I will can knock on doors and tell people to stay with Trump if you wish, but we must help him drain the swamp. We must dump our local guy who is keeping the House from functioning, and keeping government from reforming itself.

I want government to work. I want democracy to prevail. And I have about hit my limit with this dysfunctional, anti-democracy brood masquerading as public officials. I want these things and I am ready to act like I mean it. In other words, I'm opening my checkbook to candidates and entities who are committed to taking the House in 2024. And I'm going to find out who our local opposition candidate is here so I can support them to knock the current Republican out.

Enough of the BS and to hell with the Republican Party.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Gaetz knew exactly what he was doing, he wanted to shut down the government to get what he wanted and when they found a way around him, he did what he knew would grind the house to a halt.

Just remember, this is THEIR country and they are GOING to take it back, one way or another.
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Republicans Threatening Other Republicans With Death

Now I'm seeing reports from Republican House members of death threats they received from supporters of Jim Jordan because they did not vote for Jordan for speaker. Example Here

Can you think of a more effective party building strategy? Vote for my guy for House Speaker or I will kill you.

If you doubt what I said above about the Republican Party being locked in a downward spiral of dysfunction, please take a moment to think deeply about what's happening. Republicans are so dysfunctional that they adopted a rule that empowers the smallest factions in their party, even one member, to sidetrack everything with a call to vacate the chair. And that's exactly what they did.

Now, the factionalized House Republicans, who hold a majority of the seats in the House cannot unite to elect a speaker no matter what Republican is nominated. And with the most recent nominee, his Republican supporters are threatening to kill other Republicans who do not vote for that nominee.

If that is not a party in meltdown mode, I don't know what is. Most organizations understand that killing or threatening to kill their own members is a poor growth strategy. That fact seems lost on Republicans. The body adopts a rule that empowers bomb throwers, and then they complain when the bombs are thrown.
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Retired Expediter
Gaetz knew exactly what he was doing, he wanted to shut down the government to get what he wanted and when they found a way around him, he did what he knew would grind the house to a halt.

Just remember, this is THEIR country and they are GOING to take it back, one way or another.
The budget bill they recently passed was only good for 45 days. I think some in the Republican party believe a government shutdown is a good thing and they will do everything they can to delay the election of a speaker toward that end.

Extremists duped McCarthy into giving them the power to move to vacate the chair. They have used that power to do just that, and also shut down the entire House of Representatives. They are on track to shutting down the entire US government. From their point of view, I imagine they cannot believe the good fortune that has befallen them. They don't want government to work. And they are exploiting the powers the dupes gave them to shut down everything they can.

The worse government works, the more the American people will cry out for a savior. Authoritarian Donald Trump, the chosen one, stands ready to answer that call when the American people come running to him, begging for salvation.
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Retired Expediter
Another Good Quote

"“We should just have a lottery. If you lose, you have to be speaker.”

Rep. Mike Collins (R-GA)
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