What's Going on in the US House of Representatives?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I had similar thoughts. And it seems to me the anger is growing because they are finding out that anger does not work in the long run. Trump is indicted and thrashing about under judges that increasingly restrict him and prosecutors close in. Trump's behavior in recent speeches is prompting even his followers to wonder about his cognitive state. And now, a possible new hero, Jordan, who trades in anger, can't even get elected by his fellow Republicans. That makes angry people more angry and we're seeing the results now.
Where are you getting this contrived drivel? MSNBC?
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
That describes what was happening before McCarthy was ousted. McHenry would be the status quo and just “kicking the can down the road” and doing the same thing over and over again.
True in a way - but this all goes back to Gaetz and the 7 dimwits who voted McCarthy out with no replacement candidate lined up, and no plan whatsoever for going forward. McCarthy also shares the blame for agreeing to the one member needed rule to propose vacating the Speaker. He should never have trusted Pelosi to have his back in that situation; she had the knife sharpened and ready to go.


Veteran Expediter
True in a way - but this all goes back to Gaetz and the 7 dimwits who voted McCarthy out with no replacement candidate lined up, and no plan whatsoever for going forward.

The folks you refer to above are "extreme conservatives" (in more ways than one ... :tearsofjoy:)

That's what you get when you deride normal, rational folks with conservative leanings as being RINO's and "squishes":

Crazy bomb-throwers who want to "burn it all down" ...

I suspect that more than a few in the ranks and file are incapable of seeing their own culpability in bringing about the rise of these types into positions of power ... places where they have absolutely no business being.

McCarthy also shares the blame for agreeing to the one member needed rule to propose vacating the Speaker.

McCarthy, being incredibly weak (other than being a fund-raiser), has the majority of responsibility for his own demise and the resultant chaos.

Pelosi NEVER would have allowed this sort of thing to happen on her watch - she was the consummate political pro.

McCarthy is a just a hack.


He should never have trusted Pelosi to have his back in that situation; she had the knife sharpened and ready to go.

Yeah ... that premise has already been refuted.

She wasn't even in town for the vote, and since she was no longer in leadership had no ability to promise anything other than her own personal support.

But please keep on trying to sell that little bit of cray cray ...

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Veteran Expediter
1. Who is MAGA? Biden, the Democrats, and the media have done a bang-up job of turning this acronym into a perjorative, but who does this slur apply to?

MAGAt's are not hard to find ... they have a tendency to self-identify.

As far as turning this acronym into a perjorative, don't blame those you have mentioned above ... it's all on MAGA themselves.

2. Jordan trades in anger?


Does he encourage his supporters to go out and get in people's faces like Maxine Waters did?

Nope - he's too clever by half.

His modus operandi to incessantly squeal, shriek, and rail against a variety of folks ... to get others pissed off enough to DO SOMETHING about those he's targeting. Same as Liddle Donnie.

They both know what they are doing ... and are both stochastic terrorists:

Stochastic terrorism refers to political or media figures publicly demonizing a person or group in such a way that it inspires supporters of the figures to commit a violent act against the target of the speech. Unlike incitement to terrorism, this is accomplished by using indirect, vague, or coded language that allows the instigator to plausibly disclaim responsibility for the resulting violence. Global trends point to increasing violent rhetoric and political violence, including more evidence of stochastic terrorism.

Stochastic terrorism

Are there any examples of his trading in anger?

Seriously ?


Turn on C-SPAN and watch him in a hearing sometime ...

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Retired Expediter
Where are you getting this contrived drivel? MSNBC?
The "contrived drivel" is not coming from MSNBC, and it is not contrived. It is real and it is coming from the following sources:

The Trump indictments are public record

The thrashing around under judges come from his numerous cry-baby complaints to the press outside the courtroom and his reported behavior in the courtroom where the judge ordered Trump to quiet down; and also from Trump's complaints about Chutkan's gag order and Engoran's gag order.

The part about prosecutors closing in comes from the fact that Trump is actually in court now and prosecutors are advancing their cases. Trump does not have the initiative any more. Prosecutors do.

The part about Trump's recent behavior in recent speeches comes from seeing videos of his behavior in recent speeches.

The part about Trump supporters wondering about his cognitive state comes from tweets by Trump supporters wondering about his cognitive state.

The part about Republicans being angry because Jordan can't get elected comes from Republican expressing their anger because Jordan can't get elected.
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Which House member? Also, wouldn't such an action be in violation of the terms of the lease?
Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) was the US House member who had his office lease terminated by his landlord because of his vote against Jim Jordan. Buck's landlord, Michael Frost, is a vocal supporter of Jordan and was reportedly upset with Buck's decision to vote against him. Buck's office was located in a building owned by Frost in Windsor, Colorado.

It may or may not be a violation of the lease terms. It depends on what those terms are.
Presumably? Who's making threats against whom? This is all very vague, and there are legal consequences for this kind of stuff.
I am presuming that the people are making the threats are supporters of Jim Jordan, and I am presuming they are Republicans. And I am presuming Democrats and anti-Jordan independents are not making the threats. I make these presumptions because people don't threaten the congresspeople who vote the way people want.

As far as the "against whom" part of your question, a number of Republican House members and or their family members have stated publicly that they are receiving threats. Some are providing tapes to the media of the threats they received. Some have issued official statements to that effect on their US House website pages.
Once again, who specifically is making death threats? The FBI has ways to uncover people who make blood curdling death threats.
See my answer above. Regarding the FBI, I hope you are right. The victims are providing their evidence to the FBI, and I dearly hope the FBI can find and arrest those who are making these threats.
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Senior Member
Retired Expediter
1. Who is MAGA? Biden, the Democrats, and the media have done a bang-up job of turning this acronym into a perjorative, but who does this slur apply to?
While some may do so, I do not use MAGA as a perjorative or slur. When I use the term, I am referring to anyone who self-identifies as a MAGA member or supporter or sympathizer. They are easily identified because many of them wear red hats or T-shirts that say MAGA on them or Make America Great Again.

I think it is fair to say that nearly all people who identify as MAGA members also support Trump for president. When defining any group, there will always be exceptions. But for the most of them, I think "MAGA" and "Trump for President" are one in the same. If Trump says X, MAGA believes X. If Trump says Y, MAGA believes Y.
2. Jordan trades in anger? Does he encourage his supporters to go out and get in people's faces like Maxine Waters did? Are there any examples of his trading in anger?
From Google Bard:

The statement that Jim Jordan "trades in anger" is a common criticism of his political style. It refers to his tendency to use angry and confrontational rhetoric, often in the form of accusations, interruptions, and personal attacks. This style has been effective in mobilizing his conservative base and gaining media attention, but it has also been criticized for being divisive and unproductive.

[Jordan's] critics argue that his anger is often performative and that he uses it to score political points rather than to engage in substantive debate. They also argue that his rhetoric can be harmful, as it can contribute to a climate of anger and distrust in American politics.

Regarding Maxine Waters, I cannot comment because I do not know what you are talking about when you refer to what she did. What is the context?

Side Note: I did not know this until it was recently reported. In all the years Jordan has been in Congress, he has not authored a single bill that got passed into law. I was also interested to hear a comment from an Ohio US Congresswoman who said Jordan is in congress for reasons different than hers. She is there to do her committee work and effect legislation that benefits the country. Jordan is there to build his movement, she said.
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Retired Expediter
House Republicans Strip Jordan of His Nomination for Speaker

News just broke. Jordan is no longer the Republican Party nominee for House Speaker. The Republican caucus took a vote on that question behind closed doors and they voted to end Jordan's shot at Speaker. No more floor votes to see Jordan's support further decline. No chance of a comeback for the now-defeated Jordan. He did not come out of this a stronger political figure. He came out weaker.
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No Closer

Sixteen days have elapsed since House Republicans removed the Speaker they previously elected; and did so with no replacement in mind. With the nomination just stripped from Jordan, we're no closer to filling the Speaker's seat than we were 16 days ago.

House Republicans can't govern.
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Retired Expediter
The Majority of House Republicans are Cowards

Trump-endorsed Jordan needed all but 3-5 Republican votes to win the speaker's seat. In three successive votes, he fell short by 20, 22, and 25 votes. But today, when Republicans met behind closed doors to vote off the public record, over half of the 221 members voted to dump Trump-endorsed Jordan as their nominee.

I commend the 25 Republicans who voted against Jordan on the record. I condemn the 100 or so back-stabbing cowards who would only vote against him when they could do so in secret. With this demonstrated lack of courage and bad-faith game playing, it is little wonder that the House Republicans cannot govern.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
“Republicans are the party that says that government doesn’t work, and then they get elected and prove it.” — P.J. O’Rourke

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Retired Expediter
1. Who is MAGA? Biden, the Democrats, and the media have done a bang-up job of turning this acronym into a perjorative, but who does this slur apply to?
It is an interesting question you ask ... "Who is MAGA?" I'd ask the same question of Trump Attorney Borris Epshteyn if I could. Speaking in opposition to potential speaker candidate Tom Emmer (R-MN), Epshteyn recently said this:

“If somebody is so out of step with where the Republican electorate is, where the MAGA movement is, how can they even be in the conversation?” Epshteyn said. “We need a MAGA speaker. That’s what it comes down to. Because if you look at the numbers, if you look at the energy, if you look at the heat, this is the Trump party, this is the MAGA party. It is no longer the old-school khaki establishment Republican Party.” (Source)

I would ask Epshteyn what makes a speaker a MAGA speaker? What makes a party a MAGA party? And more generally, what is the MAGA movement?

You asked me. Let me ask you. In your opinion, who is MAGA?
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Retired Expediter
What's True for One is True for All

In the news this morning, about 10 Republican names are being mentioned as declared or potential candidates for the US House speaker election. One of them is Tom Emmer (R-MN). Trump is making it known that he does not want Emmer to be speaker. That's probably enough to doom Emmer's bid. With the Republican majority razor thin, it only takes a tiny handful of Republican House members to vote against Emmer and thereby deny him the speaker's seat. With numerous Trump loyalists in Congress, that tiny handful of opposing votes certainly exists.

So the question becomes, is there anyone in this group of 10 or so candidates who can win the entire Republican caucus over to become speaker? At present, the answer is no. The Republican caucus is factionalized and dug in. No Republican can win the speaker's seat on Republican votes alone. Democratic support will be required to fill that seat.

That means that if the Democrats decide they'll support a Republican, it will only take a tiny handful of Republican members to vote for that person to fill the seat. So we wait to see who that Republican nominee for speaker will be.

The Democrats are fond of saying they need only a handful of Republicans to cross over and vote for Democratic caucus leader Jefferies as speaker. That is extremely unlikely to happen. It would be impossible for any Republican to make the case to his Republican constituents back home that voting to elect a Democrat as speaker was the right thing to do when the Republicans were in the majority. And in the House, life would be unbearable among their colleagues.

A Republican considering such a thing would be better off switching parties before casting such a vote. If a tiny handful of Republicans decided to act in concert to switch parties, they could give the majority to Democrats and thereby return the House to Democratic control. Even though such Republicans could likely gain big benefits for themselves and their districts by switching parties, that move seems unlikely. The so-called Republican moderates in today's Republican caucus are far too right-wing for Democratic tastes. They'd be unlikely to survive a Democratic primary in 2024.

At some point, the pressure will become to great to resist. At some point, if Republicans cannot unite (and they can't), they will have to nominate a Republican candidate who the Democrats will agree to support, and they'll have to agree to pay the price the Democrats demand for playing along.

A government shutdown is looming. If the Republicans can't get their act together soon, it will happen; and the Republicans will have to answer to the voters for that, as well as the three-week leadership-meltdown clown show they have presented.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Regarding Maxine Waters, I cannot comment because I do not know what you are talking about when you refer to what she did. What is the context?
Here ya go:

“If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”

Most everyone remembers the reports of Press Secretary Sarah Sanders being chased out of a restaurant in Northern VA, but attacks during that time weren't just limited to Trump Cabinet members. People all over the country who dared to be seen with Trump T-shirts or MAGA hats were attacked, harassed and verbally assaulted. Vehicles with Trump bumper stickers were keyed or damaged, yard signs were destroyed or stolen. This was all over the news, so the claim that it's only MAGA that "trades in hate" has no basis in fact.

But Waters' hate-mongering wasn't just limited to Trump cabinet members and supporters:

“We got to stay on the street. And we’ve got to get more active, we’ve got to get more confrontational. We’ve got to make sure that they know that we mean business,” she said.
Asked about the curfew put in place, Waters said, “I don’t think anything about curfew. Curfew means I want you all to stop talking. I want you to stop meeting. I want you to stop gathering. I don’t agree with that.”

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Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Here ya go:
What Maxine Waters encouraged is wrong. I value civility and decorum and respect in our ongoing public debate. Water's comments undermine that.

That said. the death threats Republicans are now receiving from other Republicans are far more serious. They are serious crimes with serious penalties that should be investigated and prosecuted.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Here ya go:

“If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”

Most everyone remembers the reports of Press Secretary Sarah Sanders being chased out of a restaurant in Northern VA, but attacks during that time weren't just limited to Trump Cabinet members. People all over the country who dared to be seen with Trump T-shirts or MAGA hats were attacked, harassed and verbally assaulted. Vehicles with Trump bumper stickers were keyed or damaged, yard signs were destroyed or stolen. This was all over the news, so the claim that it's only MAGA that "trades in hate" has no basis in fact.

But Waters' hate-mongering wasn't just limited to Trump cabinet members and supporters:

“We got to stay on the street. And we’ve got to get more active, we’ve got to get more confrontational. We’ve got to make sure that they know that we mean business,” she said.
Asked about the curfew put in place, Waters said, “I don’t think anything about curfew. Curfew means I want you all to stop talking. I want you to stop meeting. I want you to stop gathering. I don’t agree with that.”

Whataboutism at it's finest. Smh
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This idea would be downright funny if it weren't entirely plausible; she'd fit right in with the Democrats, and it's not beyond the scope of reality that there would be five Republicans who would be stupid enough to vote for a sellout like Cheney who lost her primary bid in WY by 37 points - the 2nd worst defeat in GOP primary history. Of course this notion is being promoted by liberal media sites, but maybe just the thought of her coming back will be enough to scare some sense into the GOP conference and force them to get their act together. They may as well go ahead and vote for Hakeem Jeffries rather than bring back a turncoat like Liz Cheney who is highly unpopular among national Republicans.
The Liz Cheney for Speaker idea is showing more life now that the Republican caucus seems even more unable to govern. She was number 3 in House Republican leadership at one time. Twitter chatter now says some Democrats are seriously floating her name as a possible consensus candidate. It's Twitter chatter so I don't know how much stock to place in that, but the idea has entertainment value if nothing else.

What would happen if the Democratic caucus agreed and, when nominations were opened, Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries stepped up to the House floor microphone and nominated Liz Cheney?

Click the link to see more. While this is a hypothetical scenario at this stage, it seems to be more than idle chatter.

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