Thanks to the storm, I got to see if my new vent fan in the bathroom would leak again after 2 attempts to correct it. Not a drop of water this time
After all the delays I've had with my home, I'm pretty numb to the feeling. But the lovely folks at Comcast are not helping things with the worst transfer of cable service I've ever had. The list is long, but the main issue now is that my new cable boxes (which I had to swap out for mine they said) should have arrived last week. They didn't, contacted them to see what's taking so long. They said the order was processed, but for some reason they were not sent.
So now I'm waiting for the "on-schedule" package to arrive. Since I'm pretty sure a package sitting on my porch would not stay there long in my neighborhood, I'll have to wait for it now.
"So let it be written. So let it be done." I will be back in-service on Thursday!