It must really suck being you, living in a country such as ours must be trying on the soul. I do feel for you though, it must be hard to contain your anger and frustration, I mean, with all these things going on in our country, our freedoms taken away, our borders not secure, sharia law infiltrating our courts, suburbs going to hell, Baptists' exploiting their religous freedoms, and on and on and on it goes, what helpless feelings you must have.
You have no idea in the world what you are talking about. You have NO idea in the world who I am or what I am like. Anger? Sometimes, Frustrations? Of course.
Suck to be me? What a laugh. As long as I remain free I have a GREAT LIFE! I hunt, I fish, I spend time with family. I donate time to two conservation groups. I have lots of friends and I always look for new ones. I worship as a free man in the church of my choice. I interfere with no one.
Baptists exploring their religious feelings? What about other practicing theirs? Does their "right" to explore trump others "right" to partake in theirs? Is their particular brand of religion more right than someone else believes?
Before you decide what other peoples lives are like I suggest that you first make an attempt to know that person. Being clueless is a bad start. That is why I try to ask questions of you. It is a waste of time for the most part since the internet is not reality.
You see, just by reading YOUR posts I would think that it must REALLY suck to be you! Your hatred of TV entertainers is really silly. Your belief that those entertainers are truly shaping the political world is scary.
Now, that paragraph likely does NOT reflect how you really are in REAL life, just as yours does not reflect how I live my life.
This country has many challenges facing it. The idea that government is the answer is causing most of the problems in my opinion. The idea that less than 600 people out of a population of over 300 million is going to come up with the answers is just foolish. Government is the CAUSE of the problems, NOT the answer. THAT is the biggest difference between your screen person and me. I believe that the individual is the answer and refuse to pay homage to a bunch of corrupt people who's only goal is to control the People.