TS/Hurricane Gustav; This is NOT Good


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
The five-day forecast shows a category 3 hurricane heading straight for New Orleans, and making landfall sometime Monday. The forecast is of course subject to change, but it is not good. Five-day Forecast Map

Having done some disaster relief work in the aftermath of Katrina, I don't care to see such a thing ever again. But it looks like we might.

News story: New Orleans Plans for Evacuations as Gustav Grows
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
No, it is not good, not only from the havoc it will wreak but also not good from the political fall out that is sure to follow thanks to the liberal attitude their and in the media.


Veteran Expediter
Leo... I'm sure you are aware Republicans are responsible for all weather related disasters and must take the blame for its consequences. This must be true because MSNBC says so.
Seriously, Gustav looks like a newsmaker for early next week. I feel bad for those who will have to contend with it.


Seasoned Expediter
Governor Jindal is getting the warnings out for South Louisiana, guaranteed not to be a repeat of the mistakes that we saw during Katrina! He is not waiting on the federal gov't to respond. Have not seen or heard anything from the mayor of New Orleans!


Veteran Expediter
Hopefully people take heed and GET OUT!! Hopefully there are more resources to get those out who can't on their own.

Don't wish it on anyone or anywhere else but hopefully it doesn't hit New Orleans, I'd say they had their turn.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Army
Prolly needs a good douching again anyway. To drive home my point-- During this last years flooding of the midwest did you see a news cast with some clown say'in "they plucked my azz from the raging water, dropped me on a bridge, and "didn't "give" me nuthin".


Retired Expediter
Lets hope everyone gets out this time and maybe this time Mother Nature will re-claim whats hers to begin with...Building BELOW sea level...what idiots!!


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Have not seen or heard anything from the mayor of New Orleans!

The New Orleans mayor is cutting short his visit to the Democratic national convention in Denver to return to New Orleans. Given his Katrina performance, I think New Orleans would be better off if he stayed in Denver.


Veteran Expediter
That wouldn't be good. My Aunt and Uncle just got finished rebuilding their home in New Orleans from Katrina. Would be kinda bad to have it get messed up again. It looks crazy down there.

When are the political remarks ever going to stop? It's just kind of annoying because I like coming on this site and reading things, asking questions, but it's just getting old to hear all the "liberal" remarks all the time. I mean, just because someone isn't a Republican they're not a good person anymore, they don't know anything, and they shouldn't be considered a successful person in life? I mean, if it's a thread about politics go ahead, but to see every post filled with some anti-democrat remark is getting kinda old. I want to read about the topics written. Everyone is entitled to their own political beliefs, and we all have our reasons for voting how we do....so why do you feel the need to shove yours down everyone's throat all the time?

It is offensive. If someone writes on any other topic that's offensive, they get the post removed, they get banned, etc...so why can someone constantly write something offensive regarding politics and it's okay? It's a double standard. I don't want to offend anyone, and like I said before, it's okay if someone is writing in a thread that is talking politics, but why all the others?


Veteran Expediter
But Butterfly, the comments were not from republicans or democrats, alone. The issues were started by blaming people and the country is very tired of playing the blame game. The contempt for the mayor is because of his callus attitude on the subject of helping the survivors, his inability to take responsibility for his actions, his lying, all tied with the fact that the city has remained the same as it was before Katrina in regards to the government, with the cronyism and nepotism still fueled by corruption. He has been reelected, which to me tells me that the people themselves don't care, the opposing candidate was not only a better choice but would have seen some closure to some of these 'touchy' issues. To date no one there has suggested that the mayor be brought up on charges for the loss of life, which is the right thing to do, nor has anyone demanded him to resign for his chocolate city comments. If the people of N.O. wants to spend the money we the tax payers gave them, then they should rebuild the neighborhoods, the schools and help bring the people back to the city, not worry about the musical park, the homes for musicians and other non-vital or non-working people. It amazes me to hear that the city will still not let people tear down their homes, homes still full of mud, muck and mold to put a new one on the same lot.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
A little common sense (if there is such a thing) goes a long way. Don't want to get flooded? A. don't live in a flood plain. B. Don't live below sea level with large bodies of water that are "above" you. Don't want to burn up in a forest fire? Don't live in a fire based eco-system. If you are forced for what ever reason to live in a fire based eco-system, don't live in a log cabin with ceder shake shingles. Don't want to get creamed by a hurricane's storm surge? Don't live on the beach or barrier islands. Some things, like tornadoes there is little you can do about, but most you can. Like building in the "Beaches". Housing areas on Lake Erie, near Monroe. They will flood sometime in the fairly near future. The next high water cycle will be starting soon. And if you get creamed by things you could have avoided, please don't ask me to pay for you to do it again. Layoutshooter


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
I quess as a liberal thought they could let Nagin stay in Denver and get John Edwards to go to N.O.
I hear he has a lot of free time lately.


Not a Member
He was trying to mess up the whole country? Or repair it from the last 8 years of the Worst Administration of all time
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Senior Member
Retired Expediter
but to see every post filled with some anti-democrat remark is getting kinda old.

You will find that my political remarks on EO are very limited in number and in this thead, my remarks were not political. My words about the mayor has nothing to do with his party affiliation. It has to do with his competency.

I am equally critical of certain Republicans that also dropped the ball during Katrina in a way that cost some people their lives. Katrina was a storm. The disaster was made worse by a government that failed the people on a number of levels.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
What do you base that on? The economy is recovering fairly quickly from a mild recession. A made up housing "crisis". One theater of WW3 is starting to wind down, Iraq. We are in talks to draw down. You will see a statute of forces agreement there much like we have with Japan and Germany. I am not backing Bush or knocking him. I do know that EVERY news story that I read that I have personal knowlege of is either a half-truth or a total lie. I therefore assume that every story I read about this administration is either a half-truth or a lie. He made good picks for the Supreme Court. Layoutshooter