TS/Hurricane Gustav; This is NOT Good


Veteran Expediter
ATeam...I was not referring to you at all. Hope you didn't take it that way. I just meant that almost all the threads lately seem to be "liberals caused this, hope they don't win...etc..." when it doesn't even have anything to do with the thread. In this case...maybe it does, but there's just some people who that is all they can say. I come to this site as many others do who want to talk, ask for advice, or new people wanting to know about expediting, and lately anything anyone says is answered with political remarks included. It just turns some people off. I don't remember this site claiming that it is a political expediting site. I thought it was just for all expediters. If people express their opinions in political threads....then that's good. I wouldn't read it if I didn't like what it said, and just wouldn't comment. But for it to be in all sorts of threads, is just kind of offensive.


Veteran Expediter
I hope that hurricane doesn't hit N.O. If it does they will be back up here tearing everything up, stealing, having their little gang wars, and crying because the "guvament aint gave em enuff".


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I am not sure how much the Federal Government messed up during Katrina. Almost every problem I saw was at the State and local level. It was primarily thier responsibilty. Under the Constitution the Feds cannot move into a State unless that help is requested by the governor of that state. I did say one thing wrong above, we are not recovering from a mild recession, we never had a recession. Only 1 quarter of negitive growth. It was just a very mild slow down. Normal in a free economy. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
I hope it doesn't hit because there are some people who have worked really hard and spent their own money fixing their homes, and it would be a shame to see that ruined. You can't judge the entire city of people on what most of them do. Do you like being treated poorly by the public because you are a truck driver, and they base who you are on what "most" drivers do? I don't.


Not a Member
I was just responding to the dig/attack on John Edwards out of nowhere. Were he still in I'd vote for him. Just cause someone can't keep it in their pants doesn't mean they can't do a really good job of running the country. Also just cause someone does, doesn't mean they can. I'm done with the political stuff anyways, arguing about it never converts anybody to change their mind anyways.
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Veteran Expediter
I know all the people down there are not bad people. I just know for the longest time the motels around here were filled with evacuees. Anytime it looked like their motel was about to be up they were on the news asking for locals to come and pay their rent. All the while the majority were just hanging around the motels. Not even making an attempt to look for work. When work crews started forming to go down there to clean up you would think they would have been the first in line, but they weren't. It was our locals going down there and doing different type jobs. All the while the evacuees were sitting on lawn chairs outside the motel or swimming in the heated pools on our dime. Sometimes I wonder if we will ever know exactly how much that deal cost us.

Imo, they should be taking school busses and public transportation busses and putting people on them that have no other way out and getting them out now. Not after the hurricane hits, but what do I know.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I don't recall what you said then and I am not trying to knock your beliefs. I just comment on what the law is. I ran my first of 4 Katrina loads BEFORE the storm hit. We took a M.A.S.H unit to Ft. McClellen AL to F.E.M.A. who had been there for 3 days already, several hundred of them. Then the storm hit and it was several days before the Governor of LA asked for the help. I heard President Bush, 2 days before the storm hit, asking the Mayor of New Orleans to evacuate the city before the storm hit. On my second load down there we sat at the airport for almost 4 hours waiting to un-load. I was listening to FOX radio on XM while we waited. They were saying that there was no help in the area, that no helicopters were even flying to make rescues. That there was no air support comming in either. While I was listening to that live broadcast on the radio I was watching helicopter after helicopter flying in to the airport and un-load the people they just plucked out with rotors turning. That is called loading and un-loading "hot" in emergency medical service. It is very dangerous and not down often. I hated to load or un-load hot when I was in the rescue service. It was night when they were doing it. I watch them un-loading a C5A and a second one came in while we were there. I am not saying that all went write but way more went right than was ever reported. I do remember the Governor of LA RESFUSE a Red Cross convey that had supplies for the Super-Dome. Her reason? She did not want the help going in because it might encorage more to come in. I rememeber the Mayor sending police and firefighters to Las Vegas for a rest 3 days into it. When questioned he said "get over it, this is a party town." I see no way these things will ever get fixed without very accurate reporting. It was not all handled wrong. What was needs fixed. Start with the right order of responibilty: Local, state then federal. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
I understand completely what you mean about some of the people moving, not working, living off of the government. I live in Houston, and our crime rate went up, the motels and apartments were flooded with people and a year and a half later, they still didn't have jobs or start over, etc...but I'm just saying some people did. It would be quite rude to say something in a public forum where people who maybe experienced it firsthand or had family who did, and aren't like those people who were and are freeloading, could read it. I'm sure it's a touchy subject for those who were involved in it. If I lost everything I ever owned, and then rebuilt my life, I"m pretty sure I would take offense at everyone assuming I was not doing my part, getting everything for free, and complaining about it. Shouldn't we all just be a little more conscientious of the things we say to people and show a little compassion for the world? People make mistakes, but don't deserve to be treated like they are the mistake.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
We should be compasionate when bad things happen. Compassion does not include doing the same dumb thing over again. New Oleans should not be allowed to re-build in any area that is below sea level. It is just setting up people for failure. Of course, you should know better that to move into any area that is going to flood. Why must we fight nature, it will always win. Sooner or later. When Betsy hit the area in 1969 they started with the levees. They were told then that if they were going to build them they should be built for a Cat 5 storm. They did not, they built for Cat 3. Not one administration between 1969 and Katrina spent the money that was requested for levee contruction and up keep. There was a large increase under Bush but it was way too little too late. The storm hit before the work could be down. Most likely would not have helped, the system is too flawed. Layoutshoooter


Veteran Expediter
I don't know, reading the 'lesson's learned' from the event, I think Phil needs to learn how the systems work and why. His critique of the situation at one or two gathering points and along the way doesn't create a clear bigger picture to judge a thing by. The chaos that ensued, the political press that came in the aftermath was from a knee jerk reaction with groups screaming racism because Bush and FEMA wasn't there fast enough. What we have as a result is a city where 40% of it's inhabiants still havent returned.

Criticizing the feds is a popular thing, because there is no accountability when you come down to it. Mistakes are always made but seeing that N.O. right from the start was about finger pointing, FEMA still gets most of the blame.

They should fear what is going on right now, they should know from previous experince that if it is expected to hit landfall, evcuation is the only choice. If this puts a cramp on people's plans, like some stupid festival, well too bad.

If this was say Charleston, a city hit by Hugo, I think Mayor Riley would have people moving quickly without hessitation, and the people would be adults about it, not screaming racism or wanting billions to build parks. Mayor Riley did with Hugo and handled things right, no BS, the city recovered without the fanfair or cr*p.

The positive side is that Jindal is not messing around like Blanco did, his Disaster Advisory Team has been working since last week, he has activated the state's catastrophic action team and put the national guard on alert. The problem is that that POS nagan needs to move on evacuation, and I bet you that there will be a large number of people who will not leave.

Also I think that if Gustav makes landfall in N.O., the levees will not be enough if the storm is a cat 3 or better. In that case, let the city go this time.

You all do know we spent enough money trying to rebuild the city that we could have bought every man, woman and child at the time of Katrina a new home?


Veteran Expediter
I lived through Hugo, I know what it is like to have a home that you can't live in. FEMA offered many of us this amount for help - ZERO.... because we had places to stay and insurance. The help was from the community, from people who came and helped clean up the mess without asking for a lot of money. The city was cleaned up, things were fixed and people looked back and saw what happened and knew crying will not help. If they had Nagan type mayor, he would not have been reelected, the police chief would have been removed if the same thing happened in Charleston as it did in N.O. - the people would not tolerated this cr*p and I do hold the people accoutable for the people they put in power.

I do feel compassion for people who fact this but to a point, with Katrina it wavered when the lady who was on the stadium said something to the effect that she wasn't going to eat that cr*p MRE thing.

Excuse me?

If it is good enough for someone who is defending this country, it is d*mn good enough for you and you should thankful that you got that.


Veteran Expediter
Politics is interwoven in every aspect of our lives. There is no escape from the reach of government. We don't even earn paychecks for ourselves since income tax was imposed on Americans in the early 1900's. The government gets first dibs on our labor and has the audacity to tell us how much we are allowed to keep for ourselves and our families. Factor in hidden taxes, fees, sales tax, property tax, school tax, FICA, Social Security and Medicare and we are lucky to keep half our income after tax is paid in full.
If some don't like politics injected, that's too bad. Tell the politicians to stop taking our money. Politicians(of both parties) are draining the life force out of this nation. At what point does America just go broke??
If we don't get this tax thing under control pretty soon, there will be little incentive to work. Are you happy to receive 50 cents on the dollar?


Veteran Expediter
Politics is interwoven in every aspect of our lives. There is no escape from the reach of government. We don't even earn paychecks for ourselves since income tax was imposed on Americans in the early 1900's. The government gets first dibs on our labor and has the audacity to tell us how much we are allowed to keep for ourselves and our families. Factor in hidden taxes, fees, sales tax, property tax, school tax, FICA, Social Security and Medicare and we are lucky to keep half our income after tax is paid in full.
If some don't like politics injected, that's too bad. Tell the politicians to stop taking our money. Politicians(of both parties) are draining the life force out of this nation. At what point does America just go broke??
If we don't get this tax thing under control pretty soon, there will be little incentive to work. Are you happy to receive 50 cents on the dollar?

Support the Fair Tax


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
That is the good thing about being an indepentdent contractor, I write the tax check. I have control. No withholding in my world and my "tax check pen" is running out of ink fast. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
How about those of us who live in FL and got hit by three out of the four hurricanes in 04' and lost everything too? You didn't see us complaining about Bush or the govt. not helping us. And we even got nailed with insurance deductables for all 3 storms before our governor finally stepped in. Those in FL didn't get a third of what everyone in NO got handed to them so don't ask me to feel sorry for them again. They choose to live there or rebuild there where they no it's below sea level then it's they're choice! All I had left after ours got hit in 04' was a concrete slab thanks to the so called politics of it all.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
From what I saw FEMA did thier job. The major failures were at the State and local levels. Which only makes sense since it is thier responiblity, not the Feds. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
pick up at 0100 in D/FWI headed to laredo that should be far enough in land no matter the tract

been tip-toeing threw the corpis cristie-huston-texas city-beamont area for the last couple days.hope i get a run out before the week end.would hate to have to drive near that on monday