This is scary


Veteran Expediter
i know the soviets are the ones who freed it ,I'm talking about the info trickling down to the citizenry not just shared between those in the know.

It was not a secret, there were a lot of Jewish aid groups that were raising funds even back in '37 who talked about some of it. I have a booklet published by one of these groups in '43 that had three stories of the horrors of what happened.

We liberated Buchenwald in western Germany in April of '45 but that was not the first one, it was the first of the exterminationcamps. We already liberated a lot of labor camps in France going through the Netherlands and soldiers coming back home openly spoke of what they saw.

Tghe real difference was not what was in print but what we saw in the newsreels. Film put faces to the people who were killed, they forced us to understand what we ignored was wrong and it was when we came of age.

As far as knowing what Hitler was like, Chaplin made a comment in 1938 when he was interviewed for one of those movie rags, "....the truth will be told how evil evil is and it will not be long when we say to ourselves why didn't we do more", this was during the initial work on the great dictator.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
NO, I am NOT responsible for ANYTHING that Barack does. I did not vote for him, I fought against him AND his ideas prior to, during, and now after the election. He is a horrible vile example of a sub-human. I have been fighting against EVERYTHING that he believes in my ENTIRE adult life. I do not believe in "Group Guilt" Not every "White Man" supported slavery, many fought against it. Not every German supported Hitler, many died in his camps for opposing him. I do expect to see that happen here under Barry as well. The is no National guilt. Only those who support his swill are responsible for it. And please, don't even pretend that you did no see it coming and voted for "Change". If you have that little knowlege of history, maybe you should not vote. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
NO, I am NOT responsible for ANYTHING that Barack does. I did not vote for him, I fought against him AND his ideas prior to, during, and now after the election. He is a horrible vile example of a sub-human. I have been fighting against EVERYTHING that he believes in my ENTIRE adult life. I do not believe in "Group Guilt" Not every "White Man" supported slavery, many fought against it. Not every German supported Hitler, many died in his camps for opposing him. I do expect to see that happen here under Barry as well. The is no National guilt. Only those who support his swill are responsible for it. And please, don't even pretend that you did no see it coming and voted for "Change". If you have that little knowlege of history, maybe you should not vote. Layoutshooter

Very good!! You get the Free Radical Thinkers gold star of the day!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Well, I am a free thinker, (unless Barry figures out a way to tax that too), I don't know about radical, maybe in the way Jefferson was. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
I actually think we are responsible for his actions simply because we are supposed to control the congress and we failed to do that. It is not just among us voting to keep people in congress like Levin or Dingell but all of us who don't want to make a concerted effort to tell people who is really important.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Well, I did NOT vote for Dingell. I email or write him often, neither him or anyone in his office will even answer me anymore. Levin or Stabanow have NEVER answered my coorispondance. I NEVER vote for them, either. My next step, since this business makes it hard if not impossible to be really active in politics is just to stop paying taxes. Take away thier monopoly money and they lose thier power. Let come after me, I don't care. I WILL fight. I, un-like most politions, know what I believe, know what I believe is right and have in the past and will in the future, stand firm for those beliefs. THAT is how a "REAL MAN" leads his life. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
let me dissect:

free radical;In chemistry, radicals (often referred to as free radicals) are atoms, molecules or ions with unpaired electrons on an otherwise open shell configuration.These unpaired electrons are usually highly reactive, so radicals are likely to take part in chemical reactions. Radicals play an important role in combustion, atmospheric chemistry, polymerization, plasma chemistry, biochemistry, and many other chemical processes, including human physiology.
your unbounded and highly reactive.

Thinker:Critical thinking is the careful, deliberate determination of whether we should accept, reject, or suspend judgment about a claim and the degree of confidence with which we accept or reject it.It is a purposeful and reflective judgment about what to believe or what to do in response to observations, experience, verbal or written expressions, or arguments.
this is the most important thing not being taught across our campuses today

Free thinker:Free-thought is a philosophical viewpoint that holds that beliefs should be formed on the basis of science and logic, and should not be influenced by authority, tradition, or any other dogma. The cognitive application of freethought is known as freethinking, and practitioners of freethought are known as freethinkers.
We might add emotion to this as well that is why there is little of this going on today as well

Radical:as in the radical movement-The term Radical (from the Latin radix meaning root) was used during the late 18th century for proponents of the Radical Movement. It later become a general term for those favoring or seeking political reforms which include dramatic changes to the social order. Historically, early radical aims of liberty and electoral reform in Great Britain widened with the American Revolution and French Revolution so that some radicals sought republicanism, abolition of titles, redistribution of property and freedom of the press
So yes your Jeffersonian reference was right on the mark

Radical thinking: a revolutionary, top-to-bottom/bottom-to-top reassessment of how things operate.

Free Radical Thinkers was a group of student from a wester Ill campus that decided to cut to the chase of what They expected from their time in collage.Many of the members eventually "dropped out" or spent time wondering back in and out of collage because they realized that there time and money spent at collage was not producing what they wear paying for,a true education.

I had forgotten about it's general purpose until i believe it was you shooter who reminded me of it earlier this week.


Veteran Expediter
random thoughts;

The radical thought that we have in many forms originated in Europe and came here through immigration hence part of the reasoning behind the movement to limit immigration from Europe in the early part of the 19th century.

The fact that we have actually redefined enlightenment to mean anyone with a former education, like a professor or even some students, the use of critical thinking outcomes have shifted from the more common man to the intelligentsia and even into the entertainment profession. It is not for us, the common man to be able to decide but we must placate ourselves to the point of surrender our right to judge for ourselves. No where is this more evident than the last election where we were told that we are to elect this man based on his color.

Redistribution of property was not a thought from our founding fathers, they were opposed to English way of doing things which became our foundation of our country - property ownership. Until recently, we have a constitution that protected our rights based on property ownership, this changed with the movement to the left through Kelo v. New London.

Freedom of the press? Our freedom of the press was not intended to be hijacked by organized press, but it was meant to be a citizen press. Brian Williams made a speech last year about how they have to stop the citizen press, it has interfiered with the legitamate press far too long. France doesn't have freedom of the press, they never did nor do they define liberty the same way. A european doesn't get our freedoms, they don't understand them because their culture had to do with a monarchy or some form of dicititorial government. They took oaths to the king/queen of the country or the leader, where we take oaths to our constitution and country.

The french revolution has zero to do with liberites and freedoms at that time. The need to stript the class mentality away from the culture led to creating more classes in the country and a change of government five or six times. France could not follow our example as much as Germany could after WW1.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
LOL!! Great thinkers have only one thing in comon. They THINK!! WOW! Now, that, was profound!!! :D Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
The french revolution has zero to do with liberites and freedoms at that time. The need to stript the class mentality away from the culture led to creating more classes in the country and a change of government five or six times. France could not follow our example as much as Germany could after WW1.

I would think to the think well, one should have descent structural support for the brain cavity instead of a void below the base of the skull.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
There are a LOT of voids out there today. We are starting to be more and more like bees. A few queens, and the rest drones and worker bees. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
no i think your spine is fine and you try and do the right thing when push comes to shove.You just don't strike me as an let them eat cake type of guy


Not a Member
Sorry Mr. Gautama, I am really bored this morning.

Oh really.

OK my sources are the following;

BCBS Michigan
BCBS Connecticut
BCBS New York
U of M Medical

Wow, I got some responses here.

Oh Greg... I never doubted that those were your sources...


Not a Member
I didn’t repeat Fox news of O’reilly, I don’t like him.

I wonder how come you don't like him if you say the exact same things, with one big difference though, he is rich and you are not which makes his position understandable; but for you to take the same stance escapes rational comprehension, why stand for something that is against your own interests baffles me to no end.