The Trump Card...


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The judge will consider the entire body of evidence showing the appearance of impropriety, not just Bradley’s two hours of half truths and memory loss. He has yet to rule on releasing the contents of the Wade-Willis texts; that will come Friday and could seal the deal. He knows what's in them. That could also be the day he disqualifies Willis and her office from the case.
It's unlikely that the judge will rule from the bench on Friday.
The appearance of impropriety is overwhelming.
Again, there is no denying the appearance of impropriety, but disqualifying Willis from the case will require more than that. A legal standard must be met for disqualification to be done. Lots of folks like to talk about how bad Willis, Wade, and Bradley are, but the judge is privy to all the evidence and he knows how strong or weak it is.

In court, and in chambers, a lot goes in under the news reports that we do not see and know. While I trust this judge, I am not presuming to know what weight he will give to what evidence, or how he will rule.
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Stand With Trump Has Stalled Out

I've been following the progress of the GoFundMe account that was established by a Trump supporter to raise $355 million to help Trump pay the court-ordered judgement he earned by committing massive fraud for years. With interest already due, and new interest of $112,000 accruing each day, the amount Trump must pay now tops $450 million. So far, Trump supporters have contributed a total of $1.3 million and the fund drive seems to have stalled out at that amount. New contributions have all but stopped.

Trump shoe sales are unlikely to make up the difference.
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The Tale of Two Brains

I've pretty much stayed away from discussions about Biden's and Trump's aging brains. It seems whenever one makes a gaff or stumble, the other side jumps all over it to cry that man's brain is deteriorating in one way or another.

This article is different. It quotes an expert and provides specifics not generally heard in the din referenced above. While it acknowledges the gaffs by both candidates, it credibly casts them in different lights.

Haley is right about running against two old men. If the Republicans could find their way to nominate her, she'd win the White House in a landslide.
"This is a tale of two brains. Biden’s brain is aging. Trump’s brain is dementing.”

"Phonemic paraphasias" —the substitution of non-words for words that sound similar—are not normally seen until a patient enters the moderate to severe stages of Alzheimer’s.

"Some examples of Trump’s non-words: Beneficiaries becomes 'benefishes.' Renovations become 'renoversh.' Pivotal became 'pivobal.' Obama became 'obamna.' Missiles became 'mishiz.' Christmas became 'Crissus.' Bipartisan became 'bipars.'

"This is a fundamental breakdown in the ability to use language. If you were talking to your father on the phone and he did this you would think he is having a stroke. There is no healthy older person who speaks that way.
[Bold emphasis mine.]

"Trump also engages in what we call 'tangential speech.' He just becomes incomprehensible when he engages in free association word salad speech that is all over the place. Again, that's a sign of real brain damage, not being old, not being slow, not losing a step not being, but of severe cognitive deterioration." (Source)
More like a disinformation campaign by the Left with the willing help by the “news” media.
The “Mercedes” instead of Melania supposed slip-up has been debunked.
Btw, the psychologist referenced in the article is an activist who has been anti Trump from at least 2017.


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Btw, the psychologist referenced in the article is an activist who has been anti Trump from at least 2017.
That may be, but his analysis is credible. He's not the only one pointing to Trump's behavior changes and saying Trump is not the same man he was in 2016. DeSantis and Haley say the same. We can see this with our own eyes. Trump's tangential speech and phonemic paraphasias are easily seen on the numerous clips that highlight them.

This is not something I feel the need to debate. We can simply watch as the continuing decline in Trump's functional abilities becomes more pronounced and evident to all.
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Trump Admits He Cannot Post Full Bond for His NY Appeal

"Former President Trump asked a New York appeals court to put on hold the enforcement of the multimillion dollar penalties he faces in his civil fraud case, suggesting he’d post a $100 million bond while the process plays out.

"Trump’s lawyers wrote in court filings Wednesday that the staggering judgement makes it 'impossible' to secure a bond covering the full amount, ..."
(bold emphasis mine) (Source)

Since Trump cannot come up with the required cash or bond, he has taken to begging the appellate court to give him a break. He's arguing the law should not apply to him as it applies to all others. Classic Trump.

It's pretty odd when you think about it, isn't it? How can a multi-billionaire who is as rich as Trump claims to be find himself in a situation where he cannot come up with a half-billion dollars cash or bond? How can he not find someone even to lend him this money? Where are all his victimless banks who were said to be overlook the inaccurate info Trump provided and were happy to lend him money anyway? What about his mega-donor friends. Is there not even one of them willing to step up to help the wonderful Mr. Trump? What about his family? It is said that Saudi Arabia gave son-in-law and Ivanka's husband Kushner $2 billion. Can't they come up with the scratch to help daddy out?

It makes no sense, unless you accept the premise that Trump was lying about his wealth all along, and he's nowhere near as rich as he wants his MAGA followers to believe.

Bit by bit, the truth is dribbling out about the true nature of Trump's purported wealth. In the end, it would not surprise me to learn that he actually has a negative net worth because his so-called empire is really nothing more than an over-leveraged house of cards, developed by a highly skilled fraudster and con artist.
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A great Michigan primary victory for Trump.
Other good news is that former congressman Pete Hoekstra has taken over the reigns of the Michigan GOP. An excellent choice to right the beleaguered Mi. Republican ship. He already had a fundraiser. Trump is leading in the polls as well. Again, with the massive victory last night, things are heading in a very good direction in Michigan.



Veteran Expediter
A great Michigan primary victory for Trump.
Other good news is that former congressman Pete Hoekstra has taken over the reigns of the Michigan GOP. An excellent choice to right the beleaguered Mi. Republican ship. He already had a fundraiser. Trump is leading in the polls as well. Again, with the massive victory last night, things are heading in a very good direction in Michigan.

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Veteran Expediter
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That's right. Michigan is going blue.
Trump is leading in most of the polls in Michigan. The previous two presidential elections showed he trailed in almost every poll there. Trump also had coattails in the past two elections. Michigan is in play.
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That may be, but his analysis is credible. He's not the only one pointing to Trump's behavior changes and saying Trump is not the same man he was in 2016. DeSantis and Haley say the same. We can see this with our own eyes. Trump's tangential speech and phonemic paraphasias are easily seen on the numerous clips that highlight them.

This is not something I feel the need to debate. We can simply watch as the continuing decline in Trump's functional abilities becomes more pronounced and evident to all.
Why don’t we compare cognitive tests then, if we can get one from Biden?
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Why don’t we compare cognitive tests then, if we can get one from Biden?
You can compare cognition if you want to, and as you are able. I'm not much interested in Biden's cognitive ability. I've said before, his health is failing and he may well not be the Democratic candidate for president before this is all over. If Biden somehow makes it to Election Day, I expect him to win, but I don't see him completing his term. His VP pick will do that.

If Biden drops out or expires before Election Day, Harris will likely succeed him as the nominee. In that contest Trump will look ancient and impaired compared to the younger Harris. The abortion issue and the Gen Z vote will be decisive in Harris's favor. The Baby Boomers are dying off by the thousands every day. At the same time, thousands of Gen Z voters are attaining voting age every day. Boomers skew Republican. Gen Z skews Democratic.

I am focused on Trump because he presents a clear and present danger to our constitutional government. I am eager to see him out of race due to mental decline, disqualification, other legal rulings, physical illness, natural-cause death, MAGA abandonment, plane crash, Republican Party collapse, Trump's defection to Russia, or election loss. The man has been eating fast food and drinking Diet Coke most of his adult life. At his current age and unhealthy weight, he could stroke out in an instant. The nightmare scenario for Republicans is he has a partial stroke, leaving him obviously impaired, yet fully supported by his cultist followers. They'll say it's an act being put on by the stable genius who will prove to be brilliant at a later date, when he rises to save the day.

I have said before that there is a zero percent chance of Trump becoming president again. I still believe that because all of the above factors are in play. I don't care what the reason is. As long as it is legal, the sooner Trump is neutralized as a candidate for president, the better it will be for America.
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No Sympathy

In their motion to the appellate court, Trump's attorneys said, "In the absence of a stay on the terms herein outlined, properties would likely need to be sold to raise capital under exigent circumstances, and there would be no way to recover any property sold following a successful appeal and no means to recover the resulting financial losses from the Attorney General."

The Court denied their request to stay enforcement of the big-money judgement. They had no sympathy for Trump's predicament and I don't either. Trump committed massive fraud. No man is above the law. The chickens are coming home to roost.
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Wow! SCOTUS to hear Trump's criminal immunity appeal. That will surprise many, including me.

Now we wait to see how they will rule, and until the justices rule, we'll endure endless speculation about what they are thinking.

Arguments are set for April 22. This will significantly delay the trial in Chutkan's courtroom, which clears the way for the Manhattan, Florida and GA criminal trials to proceed.
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Having a trial in October would go against current DOJ policy about being too close to an election. Florida Trial will likely be delayed further pushing the DC case until after the election anyway. As for the Fulton trial, well, they are having issues down there, to say the least.IMG_5772.jpegIMG_5771.jpeg
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