You know What. College Boys. Common Sense Common Sense Common sense and a strong GUT Feeling now that's God Telling you what to do. Looks good on paper WOOO... Many Engineer's that design systems only to never ask some one on the deck plates will it work IE a Real Engineer. They are want ta be Engineers and Made up Engineers given a title that never was, then there are Real Engineers. Confirmed. Air Force Don't Buy it's Planes till all the Buildings are built Tower Hanger and Runways and the PX & CCNs and Housing is in Place then The Planes are Bought. With all the Fat that's being Paid for Outstanding Advice. I'd say there are many that are still out to Lunch so to speak. Another denotes Trump on his agenda on that sub and on the Sub of illegals in this country. Why??? Then another denotes him on his pro ness of not backing down. Why. So I can see many here think because he is a self made Billionaire that he wouldn't be good for this country. The only other Billionaire President was JFK and it wasn't his money but his dads. I give the man this, Donald has a upward battle all the way and you must admit that is correct. He has pledge his Earning as President to all be paid to Charity in this Country. He has also challenged all the rest of the senators and Congressmen to do the same with their pay. Going back in time Turtle when was the last time our leaders worked for free. Back when the D of Independence was made. Hmm interesting. Now say he wont he will. Do you think he would bring our jobs back to the states and make us great again. I think he would Rock the World!! Put them on EDGE so to speak. Which on a honest note really has not been done for A Yarn, and I am not talking about Ronald Regan as that's a total different ball game. We don't need a Jeb Bush and we don't really need more of the Same with the Demos. Back in the day Ross Pero made a day view and many thought he be great and yes he would have but the stinking Media (NEWS) wouldn't let his family alone (Daughter) so he got outa the race. Try as they may with Donald they cant touch him. That's because he is already seasoned with getting grilled from all the press so it don't phase him. Like it or not Donald will go the distance and when he takes his seat as President I am sure the silence will fall about the halls of congress as well as the rest of the World as he not a man that will back down or BOW for ANYONE for that matter. You all have a fine Labor Day Weekend . ALABAMA HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU FAILURE IS NOT A OPTION. QUIT OMG GOT A ANSWER FOR YOU!! DIE FIRST!! THEN QUIT!! DON'T MUCH LIKE QUITERS!!!! SLIVER SPOONED BRAT WAKE UP.

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