The Trump Card...


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Most of the political news is about Trump right now. He really is 'taking up all the oxygen in the room'. Most news shows can't go a whole hour without talking about him or mentioning his name in some capacity. When other candidates are interviewed by news people, half the time is spent talking about their thoughts on...Donald Trump. He seemingly does at least one interview on a news network daily. He has so far, done 37 interviews on Fox News alone. Multiple interviews on the other networks as well.
One of his advantages is he lives in New York City. He is easily accessible to be interviewed at his Trump Tower by the other New York based news agencies. He also does a boat load of phone interviews.
The saying goes, something like --'Any publicity is good publicity'. Right now it's mostly Trump. I doubt it will last for another year though.

You might be right, but I am hoping he goes the stretch. :p


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
You might be right, but I am hoping he goes the stretch. :p
I do too, although my favorites are also Cruz, Fiorina, and Paul. I like Walker too, but question if he has the 'excitement factor' with voters.
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Veteran Expediter
I like Fiorina at the moment. Paul needs to stop rolling his eyes like a teenage girl it doesn't make him look good.

His hair doesn't make it much better, I can't take him seriously when he looks like Lyle Lovett lol

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Veteran Expediter
I do too, although my favorites are also Cruz, Fiorina, and Paul. I like Walker too, but question if he has the 'excitement factor' with voters.

The Walker question is whether the Koch wealth will save him again, when all the voters get as excited as the Wisconsin ones did. :rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
He won three separate elections by the Wisconsin people. :rolleyes:
He won three separate elections in spite of opposition by the union money and grassroots support, the Democrats' and Obama's backing - all in a blue state. If anything the Koch bros' support just helped offset all that. The people of WI just thought he was right on the issues - three different times. He's accomplished things as a governor that no other candidate has, and will continue to be a serious candidate.

It's amusing how the Koch bros get the credit/blame from liberals every time there's a conservative victory somewhere; maybe the Republicans should start giving George Soros credit/blame for everything the Democrats do.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Yep, that's the way I look at it too. The 'Koch support' just offset the other side and provided a level playing field. What Walker has done in Wisconsin is impressive. He is a very substantive candidate. My only concern with him is if he has enough of the charisma factor. IMO, he is the more principled, conservative version of Jeb Bush. Style wise they are similar.


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With Hillary slowly sinking because of here email disaster, I still want to see her and Trump go at it. It would be awesome.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Now that her email server is being seriously examined by the FBI, and getting caught with the lies she so blatantly told about not having secret information on that server, it wouldn't be a surprise to see her withdraw from the race for "health reasons".


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Retired Expediter
It also wouldn't surprise me to hear the Democratic prosecutors say, "Move along, folks. Nothing to see here, " because they found no wrongdoing (never mind the fact that she used private email in her capacity as the Secretary, which is already a felony to begin with).


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
And in addition to all of the above, it wouldn't surprise me to hear the Feds say they can't comment on "ongoing investigations" - considering "ongoing" can go on for a looooong time.;)


Veteran Expediter
He won three separate elections in spite of opposition by the union money and grassroots support, the Democrats' and Obama's backing - all in a blue state. If anything the Koch bros' support just helped offset all that. The people of WI just thought he was right on the issues - three different times. He's accomplished things as a governor that no other candidate has, and will continue to be a serious candidate.

It's amusing how the Koch bros get the credit/blame from liberals every time there's a conservative victory somewhere; maybe the Republicans should start giving George Soros credit/blame for everything the Democrats do.

The people of Wi were pretty mad when he began attacking the unions after his election, something he'd not mentioned during the campaign. They wanted to recall him immediately, but were forced to wait a year, during which they kept their resolve. In this day & age, that takes real dedication. He'd have lost the recall [it was still close] if the Koch bros hadn't devoted their time & money to rescuing him, because they liked his style. [Deceptive]
Liberals don't blame Koch brothers every time there's a conservative victory, but in this particular case, they were behind it, 100%. If Soros does the same, go ahead and point it out.


Veteran Expediter
It also wouldn't surprise me to hear the Democratic prosecutors say, "Move along, folks. Nothing to see here, " because they found no wrongdoing (never mind the fact that she used private email in her capacity as the Secretary, which is already a felony to begin with).

But haven't many others done the same thing, [using private email]?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The last batch of Hillary Clintonemails released by the State Department included one from Clinton asking to borrow a book called “Send: Why People Email So Badly and How to Do It Better,” by David Shipley and Will Schwalbe.

Clinton has not said why she requested the book, but it includes some advice that is particularly interesting in light of the controversy over her unconventional email arrangement at the State Department and her decision to delete tens of thousands of emails she deemed to be purely personal.

The copy that ABC downloaded for $9.99 had some interesting revelations.

Take, for example, Chapter Six: “The Email That Can Land You In Jail.” The chapter includes a section entitled “How to Delete Something So It Stays Deleted.”

“Some people are hoarders, some are checkers,” the authors write. “The main thing to consider is that once you do decide to delete, it’s like taking the garbage from your kitchen and putting it in your hallway. It’s still there.”

The chapter advised that to truly delete emails may require a special rewriting program “to make sure that it’s not just elsewhere on the drive but has in fact been written over sixteen or twenty times and rendered undefinable.”

But Shipley and Schwalbe warn that deleting emails could lead to future legal troubles.

On page 215, the authors list “Stupid (and Real) Email Phrases That Wound Up in Court.” Number one on the list? “DELETE THIS EMAIL!’ Later, on page 226, the writers warn, “If you’re issued a subpoena, your deletion binge will only make you look guilty.”


Veteran Expediter
The people of Wi were pretty mad when he began attacking the unions after his election, something he'd not mentioned during the campaign. They wanted to recall him immediately, but were forced to wait a year, during which they kept their resolve. In this day & age, that takes real dedication. He'd have lost the recall [it was still close] if the Koch bros hadn't devoted their time & money to rescuing him, because they liked his style. [Deceptive]
Liberals don't blame Koch brothers every time there's a conservative victory, but in this particular case, they were behind it, 100%. If Soros does the same, go ahead and point it out.

Sorry, Wisconsin, Gov. Walker Just Blew Your Last $400 Million On A Sportsball Arena
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