The Trump Card...


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Speaking of security, or lack thereof, not being able to secure a Trump campaign event in a critical battleground state sounds highly suspicious.

This is a second-hand inquiry about something from an unnamed source. Trump has had nothing but high praise for the Secret Service. If he had a complaint, about the Secret Service keeping him out of battleground states, he'd voice it.

Trump can go anywhere he wants to go. The Secret Service will do their thing. There may be a need to modify certain appearances, but there is no way the Secret Service would conspire to keep Trump out of battleground states. In fact, Trump has appeared in battleground states since the assassination attempts. He spoke at a rally yesterday in PA.

I do find it odd that Trump is campaigning in battleground states as infrequently as he is and could be doing. I don't know the reason for that, but the Secret Service conspiring against him is not it.

Trump himself is not behaving like a man who has security concerns. See this:

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Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Shows 2 point lead the past three weeks for Trump:
I understand why you are looking at Rasmussen again and again. It's one of the very few polls that show Trump ahead. And there are few other indicators that favor Trump. Harris is ahead in fundraising, crowd size, number of large rallies in battle ground states, number of volunteers, field offices, paid staff on the ground, approval rating, running mate popularity, etc.

Regarding Rasmussen, their history is mixed. Here are the facts from ChatGPT. If you have evidence that a full and fair review will say anything different about Rasmussen's mixed results, you are welcome to share it and its source. No polling organization has a perfect record in recent presidential elections. Several have better records than Rasmussen.

"Rasmussen Reports is known for its polling, particularly in the realm of presidential elections. Its accuracy has varied over different election cycles:
  1. 2008 Election: Rasmussen's final polls showed Barack Obama leading John McCain, which was consistent with the eventual outcome. However, some analyses indicated that their polls were slightly more favorable to McCain compared to other polls.
  2. 2012 Election: Rasmussen had a mixed record. Their polls showed a tighter race between Obama and Mitt Romney, but Obama won the popular and electoral votes by a significant margin, indicating that Rasmussen may have underestimated support for Obama.
  3. 2016 Election: Rasmussen was one of the few polls that showed Donald Trump with a slight lead over Hillary Clinton in the final days before the election. Their results aligned more closely with Trump's eventual victory compared to many other polling organizations, which tended to show Clinton leading.
  4. 2020 Election: Rasmussen's polling indicated a close race between Trump and Joe Biden. In many cases, their polls showed Trump performing better than in other major polls, but ultimately, Biden won decisively.
Overall, while Rasmussen Reports has had some accurate predictions, especially in 2016, it has faced criticism for potential bias and for not always aligning with the broader polling landscape."


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Cuban is shilling so he can be on the “inside” if Harris somehow wins and his pharma company can benefit. Trump’s net worth has been reduced due to entering politics and has been the target of frivolous lawsuits due to lawfare.
I don't think so, but even if you are right, the effect is the same. Trump's net worth is declining, and Cuban's influence is prompting the targeted white men to consider Harris. And about "lawfare," if Trump was not actually committing fraud and other crimes, his legal issues would be reduced. His criminal activity and the evidence of it is the reason he has the problems he does.


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Retired Expediter
The Truth About Tariffs

"Trump insists that tariffs are paid for by foreign countries. In fact, it is importers — American companies — that pay tariffs, and the money goes to U.S. Treasury. Those companies, in turn, typically pass their higher costs on to their customers in the form of higher prices. That’s why economists say consumers usually end up footing the bill for tariffs." (Source)



Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
This is a second-hand inquiry about something from an unnamed source. Trump has had nothing but high praise for the Secret Service. If he had a complaint, about the Secret Service keeping him out of battleground states, he'd voice it.

Trump can go anywhere he wants to go. The Secret Service will do their thing. There may be a need to modify certain appearances, but there is no way the Secret Service would conspire to keep Trump out of battleground states. In fact, Trump has appeared in battleground states since the assassination attempts. He spoke at a rally yesterday in PA.

I do find it odd that Trump is campaigning in battleground states as infrequently as he is and could be doing. I don't know the reason for that, but the Secret Service conspiring against him is not it.

Trump himself is not behaving like a man who has security concerns. See this:

He was mainly in a press box most of the time. Again, it doesn’t serve him well to publicly criticize his security detail. There have been enough reports from reputable sources that there are still major concerns. Some of it mentioned at last week’s hearing, which apparently some didn’t watch.