The Trump Card...


Veteran Expediter


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Only in the spirochete-riddled brain of Ed Meese ...

The operative word there is "was" ...

That's past tense ... just in case there's any unfamiliarity ...

Good to see you conceding that !


Garland delegated authority to someone outside the DOJ.
5.10 doesn’t fit. None of them do, but keep trying for laughs and giggles.
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Retired Expediter
Counting our Blessings at Christmas

We have a higher net worth than Rudy Giuliani.

Unlike Trump, we are free people (not released under bail conditions and restricted by gag orders).
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Veteran Expediter
Garland delegated authority to someone outside the DOJ.
5.10 doesn’t fit.

Pretty sure that Mueller was drawing a salary from DOJ ... after his appointment as Special Counsel in Rusher, Rusher, Rusher !!!


Seems like that would make him an employee ... and no longer "someone outside" ...

You think Special Counsel Smith isn't under a similar arrangement ?

None of them do, but keep trying for laughs and giggles.

What brings the laughs and giggles is watching the MAGAt loons desperately looking for some cockamamie theory that they think will rescue Don The Con™ from his impending doom.

How do you think the ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY !!! argument is going to go ?

There's a chance a couple on SCOTUS - like say Harlan's bagmen Alito and Uncle Clarence - might buy in ... but pretty doubtful beyond that on the rest of them I'd say ...

Please do continue with the "entertainment" however.



Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Pretty sure that Mueller was drawing a salary from DOJ ... after his appointment as Special Counsel in Rusher, Rusher, Rusher !!!


Seems like that would make him an employee ... and no longer "someone outside" ...

What brings the laughs and giggles is watching the MAGAt loons desperately looking for some cockamamie theory that they think will rescue Don The Con™ from his impending doom.

There's a chance a couple on SCOTUS - like say Harlan's bagmen Alito and Uncle Clarence - might buy in ... but pretty doubtful beyond that on the rest of them.

Please do continue with the "entertainment" however.

That’s because private citizen Mueller’s appointment wasn’t challenged to the Supreme Court like they are doing now with Jack Swift.
But please find the statute that AG Garland referenced that applies. It doesn’t exist.
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Veteran Expediter
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Donald Trump is Not Well

Normal people don't talk like this. Healthy people don't talk like this. Stable people do not talk like this.

View attachment 23340
More evidence that Donald Trump is not well.

On one of the holiest and most widely observed holidays in the US, Trump names his adversaries and says, "May they rot in hell."

Who does this? Has any national leader or former leader done such a thing on their holy holidays? Does anyone of any prominence sent a similar message this Christmas? Did Trump himself put out such messages in years past? This behavior is unhinged and indecent. And it seems to be getting worse as Trump feels the walls closing in.

Again, normal people don't talk like this. Healthy people don't talk like this. Stable people do not talk like this.

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Veteran Expediter
US Navy
If you all hang around truck stops long enough one will become tainted in your conversations .....u are when you listen too,,,imho So that said, do not hang around truck stops ,,,,,,,,,,,,,impossible imho
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Hopefully anyone who would vote for Trump and owns an electric car is having second thoughts. Keep it up and you wont have anyone wiling to vote for you!!!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
More evidence that Donald Trump is not well.

It's surprising he left out the Fake News Media since they've always been one of his favorite targets, and have started suggesting his mean tweets are evidence of mental instability. Unfortunately for them, it's not going to stick. Trump has never been a normal politician and his occasional lack of tact is well known, but just shrugged off by his base and most conservative and independent voters.

Of course the whole point of this effort is to offset Biden's glaring cognitive decline and physical frailty. He's not currently fit to hold the office, and would almost certainly not make it through another four-year term. That leaves us with a choice between Trump's mean tweets or President Harris's word salads.
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Retired Expediter
Of course the whole point of this effort is to offset Biden's glaring cognitive decline and physical frailty.
Not for me. When I wrote my post I had no thoughts of Biden. I do not disagree that Biden is showing signs of aging, so much so that I do not think he will be the nominee. I think, and hope, he will decide his health issues are such that it is best for him to withdraw from the race.

If that happens, a successor candidate will emerge; likely Harris, but maybe someone else. Whoever it is, that person will likely be 20 or more years younger than Trump, at which point his advanced age will stand in stark contrast to the younger and more vibrant Democrat.
He's not currently fit to hold the office, and would almost certainly not make it through another four-year term. That leaves us with a choice between Trump's mean tweets or President Harris's word salads.
If the worst you can say about Harris is "word sallads," she may be able to knock Trump off. I know little about her but I do know she is not helpless. She won a statewide race in California and did not implode in that office. As a candidate she would be a young, campaign-capable, pro-choice woman running against an old, abortion foe, before an electorate who is highly motivated to vote pro-choice after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.

When two old men are running against each other, age is not an issue. If Trump ends up running against a younger opponent, all old-age liabilities become immediately visible and accrue to him.

The Democrats could come up with a better candidate than Harris, but as the incumbent Vice President, she has the inside track and it will be hard to knock her out of it.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
More evidence that Donald Trump is not well.

On one of the holiest and most widely observed holidays in the US, Trump names his adversaries and says, "May they rot in hell."

Who does this? Has any national leader or former leader done such a thing on their holy holidays? Does anyone of any prominence sent a similar message this Christmas? Did Trump himself put out such messages in years past? This behavior is unhinged and indecent. And it seems to be getting worse as Trump feels the walls closing in.

Again, normal people don't talk like this. Healthy people don't talk like this. Stable people do not talk like this.

And yet we've got the Rabid Righties that will go to the ends of the earth to support and defend him.
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Senior Member
Retired Expediter
It's surprising he left out the Fake News Media since they've always been one of his favorite targets, and have started suggesting his mean tweets are evidence of mental instability. Unfortunately for them, it's not going to stick.
When I posted, it had nothing to do with the media or Biden. Trump's Christmas post is indecent on its face and it's the product of a deeply troubled heart and mind ... not in the media's opinion but in mine. I don't need the media to help me reach my conclusions. In this case a Bible verse is more apt. "... by their fruits ye shall know them."

Using a political slogan, the same truth applies. "If it walks like a duck and sounds like a duck, then it probably is a duck." This Trump screed and many more like them speaks volumes about the troubled man who spews them.
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