The Trump Card...


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Michigan Court Rules as Minnesota Court Did: OK for Trump to be on Primary Ballot

These two courts both said the question of Trump's eligibility under the 14th Amendment is not a question for a primary ballot, which is an internal Republican Party affair. The question can be raised later when it is an issue for the general election.

Meanwhile, we await the ruling from the Colorado Supreme Court, which has also taken up the 14th Amendment Trump-eligibility question.

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Veteran Expediter
US Navy
Now we will have something new to talk about....wait new house bill to strip universities of federal money who are against the Jewish folks,,,imagine that...
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Questions Answered in Court; Week of 12/10/23

Running Total

*Trump-Favorable Answers: 17
Trump-Adverse Answers: 168
Trump Win Rate: 10.12%

Answered This Week:

Yes, the Article 78 petition Trump filed regarding Engoron’s gag order is an invalid maneuver and is not allowed. 12/14/23, NY Appellate Division

Yes, the gag order issued by Judge Engoron in Trump’s civil fraud trial is valid. 12/14/23, NY Appellate Division

No, Trump cannot assert presidential immunity as a defense in the upcoming Carroll defamation trial. 12/13.23, 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals 12/13/23

*Yes, the proceedings of Trump’s federal election interference trial will be paused until jurisdiction is returned to the US District Court by the higher courts who have taken up a related matter on appeal. 12/13/23, Chutkan

Yes, Jack Smith’s motion to expedite the immunity question is granted and Trump is given a quick deadline to respond if he wishes to. 12/11/23, DC Circuit Court of Appeals

Yes, the US Supreme Court will quickly take up the question of Trump’s immunity. 12/11/23, US Supreme Court

Answered in Recent Weeks:
No, the Trump trial scheduled for March 4, 2023 will not be delayed. 12/8/23, DC Circuit Court of Appeals
Yes, Judge Chutkan’s gag order regarding Trump is slightly narrowed and mostly upheld. 12/8/23, DC Circuit Court of Appeals
Yes, while the stay of Engoron’s order that cancels Trump’s NY business certificates remains in place, the other provisions of that order are enforceable. 12/7/23, New York Appellate Division
No, Trump’s appeal of the Engoron gag order will not be fast-tracked. 12/4/23 Appeals Court Justice Manzanet-Daniels
Yes, Trump can be prosecuted on Jan. 6 criminal charges. Presidential immunity does not apply. 12/1/23, Chutkan
No, Trump is not immune from three civil lawsuits filed against him regarding Jan 6. 12/1/23, US Court of Appeals, DC District
Yes, the Trump gag order in his NY fraud case is reinstated. 11/30/23, New York Appellate Division
No Trump may not call a court-appointed monitor as a witness. 11/27/23, Engoron
No, since he already has the transcripts, Trump may not issue a subpoena for the US House Jan 6 Committee video tapes. 11/27/23, Chutkan
No, references to Jan 6 will not be struck from Trump’s DC criminal case. 11/17/23, Chutkan
Yes, Trump’s motion for a mistrial in his NY civil fraud trial is denied. 11/17/23, Engoron
*No, Trump will not be kept off the Colorado ballot on 14th Amendment grounds. 11/17/23, Wallace
*Yes, the Special Counsel’s request to set a deadline for Trump’s defense team to provide notice of the classified information it seeks to use at trial is denied. 11/16/23, Cannon
Yes, the deadline has passed and it is too late for Trump to add an additional expert witness in the upcoming Carroll case. 11/16/23, Kaplan
*Yes, Judge Engoron’s gag order on Trump will be temporarily stayed. 11/16/23, Friedman

Answered in Previous Weeks:


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I would vote for Haley over Biden, I don’t agree with everything she says but enough that she would be an improvement.
Any of the GOP nominees would be an improvement over Biden, but the reality is that Trump will be the candidate. He's sucked all the oxygen away and the others have become insignificant; Haley seems to be running for VP, although her position on allowing parents to determine sex change surgery for minor children could be a problem for her.


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Meadows' Case to Remain in GA Court

This appeals court ruling pretty much guarantees that the cases of all defendants in the GA RICO case, including Trump, will not go to federal court, but remain in GA state court.

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Any of the GOP nominees would be an improvement over Biden, but the reality is that Trump will be the candidate. He's sucked all the oxygen away and the others have become insignificant; Haley seems to be running for VP, although her position on allowing parents to determine sex change surgery for minor children could be a problem for her.
MAGA won’t vote for her. She’s not going to be the VP on Trump’s ticket.
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Judge Engoron Shreds Trump's Defense

Judge Engoron issued an order today denying Trump's request for a directed verdict in Trump's NY civil fraud trial. This is the fifth time Trump asked for this and the fifth time it was denied. In the order, Engoron said,

"[A] lie is still a lie. Valuing occupied residences as if vacant, valuing restricted land as if unrestricted, valuing an apartment as if it were triple its actual size, valuing property many times the amount of concealed appraisals, valuing planned buildings as if completed and ready to rent, valuing golf courses with brand premium while claiming not to, and valuing restricted funds as cash, are not subjective differences of opinion; they are misstatements at best and fraud at worst."
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Veteran Expediter
Oh, now you're inflating many that were maybe trespassing as " insurrectionists".

Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

18 U.S. Code § 2384 - Seditious conspiracy

Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

18 U.S. Code § 2383 - Rebellion or insurrection

Emphasis mine ... ;)

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Designer of Trump's Fake Electors Scheme Flips on Nevada Fake Electors

If I was one of the indicted fake electors in Nevada, I'd be super-pissed at Kenneth Cheseboro. He's the one who designed the illegal scheme. He's the one who helped lure the fake electors into it. And now, to save his own skin, he's the one cooperating with prosecutors and testifying against the fake electors. They're indicted while Cheseboro is not.

He made a plea deal in GA earlier in which he was given five years probation, required to pay $5,000 in restitution and ordered to write a letter of apology to the people of Georgia. It is highly likely that Cheseboro is doing the same in all other states where fake elector schemes took place.

It's hard to imagine a more formidable witness against the fake electors than the one who orchestrated the scheme. By flipping, Cheseboro got the best deal. The fake electors are left to do little but pay their fines and/or serve their time, while the scheme leader they followed skips happily free.

It is also highly likely that Cheseboro will testify against Trump at some point. Like Trump, Cheseboro is a stand-up guy ... for himself.
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Happy #FAFO Tuesday to all who celebrate !

As I listen to the talk shows this evening, there is a lot of credible commentary on both sides. It's hard to know (1) if the US Supreme Court will take up this case regarding a state party primary ballot, and (2) if they do, how they will rule. From both sides of the issue, well-reasoned views are being expressed with great confidence and credibility.

Three points that do jump out for me are:

(1) the Colorado lawsuit was not brought by Democrats. It was brought by a group of six Republicans and one independent voter.

(2) The CO Supreme Court ruling was made by 7 judges appointed by Democratic governors. While the Court ruled against Trump, three of those Democratically appointed judges cast dissenting votes. If court rulings were a partisan as some suggest, all seven Democratically appointed judges would have ruled in the plaintiffs' favor.

(3) If the US Supreme Court upholds the Colorado ruling and thereby makes it the law of the land and renders Trump ineligible to run for president, millions of voters will feel their right to vote for the candidate of their choice was taken away from them, and they will lose whatever remaining respect they have for US democracy and the justice system.

(4) If the US Supreme Court reverses the Colorado ruling and thereby allows Trump to be on the ballot in all US states and territories, millions of other voters will feel the US justice system failed them, and if Trump wins, they will lose whatever remaining respect they have for US democracy and the justice system.

With American respect for institutions low, it appears we're on our way to seeing it sink lower.
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Veteran Expediter
BOOM!!! BOOM!!! BOOM!!! US Supreme Court Takes Up Trump Immunity Question

In less than a day after it was submitted, the US Supreme Court granted Jack Smith's motion and ordered Trump to respond no later than Dec. 20.

It is HIGHLY UNLIKELY that the US Supreme Court will rule that Trump is above the law. He is not immune. The Supreme Court ruling will come quick and be final. This quick action by the Supreme Court strips Trump of his delay tactics.

My view (and hope): The justices have decided they are done with Trump. They are tired of his constant criticism of the courts and abuse of the courts. They are tired of Trump. They are forcing Trump to stand trial in March and face the evidence against him. That jury trial will convict Trump of federal felony crimes. Chutkan will sentence him to jail. Trump will die isolated in custody, if not in prison.

The Supreme Court did not have to take up this case quickly. They did not have to take it up at all, as it is working its way up through the lower-courts appeals process. They could have waited for the months or years it would normally take for an appealed case to make it to the highest court in the land. But they did take it up. That's huge!

Trump knows he is not immune. Trump knows that if the Supreme Court clears the way for a March, he will get a March trial, whether he wants it or not. Right about now, I imagine Trump is feeling his knees weaken and the blood drain from his face.
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And if they rule against Smith the Democrats will have a melt down.
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