The Trump Card...


Veteran Expediter
The details will come out in court.


Major fact, immunity was granted.

Not clear if it's anything more than use immunity ... which has been known about for a while.

Game changer. Game over.

Meadows has a problem, that being what he potentially testified to with SC Smith and DC grand jury vs what Fani has been able to uncover.

Having said that, the sourcing on the ABC story is not entirely clear ... as to who is serving as a source ... and what their motivations are.

Good reasons to be cautious until more is known:



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Eyes on This

There was an interesting development in court today. I'm watching with great interest to see how the judge will respond to Trump's "blatant, dangerous disobeyal of a clear court order." (Judge's words)

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Eyes on This

There was an interesting development in court today. I'm watching with great interest to see how the judge will respond to Trump's "blatant, dangerous disobeyal of a clear court order." (Judge's words)
Result: Judge forced Trump to go under oath and take the witness stand. After questioning Trump, the judge fined him $10,000 for violating the court order.
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And found his testimony not credible.

Who could have imagined ?

While the Judge's finding passed with little notice, it could be a very big deal.

In a surprise move, the judge forced Trump to take the stand under oath. After Trump raised his hand and swore to tell the truth, he lied. From the bench Judge Engoron said, “As the trier of fact, I find that the witness is not credible.”In his written order, the judge said, "... as the trier of fact, I find this testimony rings hollow and untrue."

That's legalspeak for "Trump is a liar." In itself, "Trump is a liar" is not new. But when a judge so rules in reference to what Trump said under oath, it is evidence that can be used by prosecutors and plaintiffs from this point forward.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Cohen and Trump were both in court that day.

Of the two, which one did the judge find to be "not credible.?"
Of the two, which one was fined $10,000?
Of the two, which one stormed out in a huff in the midst of the proceedings?
Cohen admitted that he lied multiple times under oath.
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Cohen admitted that he lied multiple times under oath.
Perhaps. And the judge will take everything Cohen said on the stand into consideration as he weighs Cohen's credibility.

Trump's lawyer did a good job casting Cohen in the worst possible light and casting doubt on his credibility. But I don't think Cohen's testimony will make or break this case.

Note that Cohen is but one witness among many and the judge has already ruled that Trump committed massive fraud. This phase of the trial is to determine not whether Trump will be punished. It is to determine how light or severe the punishment will be.

It seems highly likely that Trump will be required to surrender his New York businesses to the State of New York because of the fraud he committed. When that happens, and with no love lost between these two men, Cohen will likely be cheering from sidelines, if not on national TV. It was Cohen's testimony years ago that prompted the NY AG to open an investigation into this.
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Four Trumps to Take the Stand

"Kevin Wallace of the AG's office said they plan on calling Donald Trump Jr. to the stand on Wednesday, Eric Trump on Thursday and Ivanka Trump on Friday, and then their father on Monday, Nov. 6. Wallace said the AG's office will rest their case following Trump's testimony."

The bluster isn't working any more. Neither is the name calling and lying about others. The Trumps have run out of ways to delay the case and the consequences of their fraud. No amount of social media posts will save them from the accountability that is about to come. Playing the victim in front of his adoring supporters at rallies does no good. Few if any protesters are taking to the streets to support Trump. His legal arguments are failing. His appeals have failed. There is no one left to sue to try to further delay the inevitable. Trump cannot pardon himself, and his new boy Johnson can do nothing to help. The polls are of no interest or relevance to the Court. It's the evidence that matters and that's very bad news for the defendants, now that it has been unearthed.

The Trumps are not taking the stand because they want to. They are taking the stand because they are required to by law. In a few days, they will be mercilessly grilled under oath by skilled prosecutors, in front of God and everybody. The NY AG has the initiative and the proof. Like a hapless mouse eyed by a hungry hawk, Trump sits powerless in the courtroom, feeling her focused gaze.

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