The Trump Card...


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Retired Expediter
Questions Answered in Court; Week of 9/24/23

Running Total

*Trump-Favorable Answers: 6
Trump-Adverse Answers: 128
Trump Win Rate: 4.69%

Answered This Week:

Yes, Trump’s request for a summary judgement is denied. Engoron, 9/26/23

Yes, Trump repeatedly committed massive fraud for many years. Engoron, 9/26/23

Yes, Trump’s New York business certificates shall be canceled and those businesses shall be placed in receivership and dissolved. Engoron, 9/26/23

No, Judge Chutkan will not recuse herself from the federal election subversion case. Chutkan, 9/27/23

Yes, the DOJ motion to Ensure that Extrajudicial Statements will not Prejudice will be heard. Chutkan, 9/29/23

Answered in Previous Weeks:
No, 62 lawsuits filed by Trump making various 2020 election claims are not valid. 11/20 - 1/21, Judges in 62 courts
Yes. Trump’s defamation lawsuit against CNN is dismissed. 11/23/20, Singhal
Yes. Trump’s defamation lawsuit against the New York Times is dismissed. 3/9/21, d’Auguste
Yes, the Trump defamation lawsuit against the Washington Post is dismissed, 2/10/22, Contreras
No, Meadows and other Trump aids cannot assert executive privilege to avoid testifying before the Jan. 6 Committee. 3/8/22, Chutkan
No, Mike Pence does not have executive privilege to avoid testifying before the Jan. 6 Committee. 3/8/22, Boasberg
*No, NYC Mayor de Blasio does not have the right to cancel Trump’s contract to run the Ferry Point Golf Course. 4/8/22, James
No, former national security advisor Robert O’Brien cannot assert executive privilege to avoid testifying before the Jan. 6 Committee. 4/21/22, Jackson
No, former White House Counsel Cipollone cannot claim executive privilege to avoid testifying before the grand jury. 7/1/22, Chutkan.
Yes, NY AG James will sue the Trump Organization claiming $250 million in fraud. 9/21/22
Yes, an independent monitor is appointed to thwart Trump's attempt to move his business legal structure out of New York jurisdiction. 11/14/22
No, Judge Cannon does not have jurisdiction to appoint a special master. Cannon's ruling is reversed. 12/1/22, 11th Circuit Court of Appeals.
No, special rules cannot be written by Judge Cannon for Trump because he is a former president. 12/1/22, 11th Circuit Court of Appeals.
Yes, Trump's lawsuit challenging the Mar-a-Lago search will be dismissed due to a lack of jurisdiction. 12/12/22, Cannon
Yes, the Trump Organization is guilty of 17 counts of tax fraud. 12/6/22, Jury
No, the NY AG lawsuit will not be dismissed. 1/6/23, Engoron
Yes, Trump is ordered to pay $938,000 in legal fees to Hillary and others, because Trump abused the legal system. 1/19/23, Middlebrooks
Yes, Trump attorney Corcoran must testify because attorney client privilege does not apply (furtherance of a crime). 3/17/23,Howell
No, the NY AG lawsuit against Trump et al will not be delayed. 3/21/23 Engoron
No, John Eastman does not have executive privilege to withhold documents from the Jan. 6 Committee3/28/23, Carter
Yes, the 2019 Carroll lawsuit can be amended to include Trump's CNN remarks. 6/13/23, Kaplan
*Yes, the scope of the lawsuit brought by NY AG James is limited by the statute of limitations, and Ivanka Trump is thereby dismissed from the suit. 6/27/23, New York Appellate Division
No, Trump is not immune from defamation charges because he was president. 6/29/23, Kaplan
No, Fani Willis will not be disqualified from working on the GA election interference case. GA Supreme Court, 7/17/23
No, the GA Special Grand Jury report will not be thrown out. 7/17/23, GA Supreme Court
Yes, Trump is a rapist. 7/19/23, Kaplan
Yes, the $5 million in damages the jury said Trump must pay Carroll is reasonable. 7/19/23, Kaplan
No, the falsified records case will not be moved to federal court. 7/19/23, Hellerstein
Yes, Cohen and Trump will settle Cohen's lawsuit claiming millions in unpaid legal fees. 7/21/23
No, the documents trial will not be postponed until after the election. 7/21/23, Cannon
Yes, the defamation lawsuit Trump filed against CNN is dismissed because the judge rules it is "not actionable." 7/28/23, Singhal
*Yes, Trump is protected by presidential immunity regarding two defamatory statements he made against a PA voting machine supervisor when Trump was president. 7/31/23, Erdos
No, Trump is not protected by presidential immunity regarding one defamatory statement he made against a PA voting machine supervisor after Trump left office. 7/31/23
Yes, the GA Special Grand Jury report can be used against Trump. 7/31
No, Fani Willis will not be disqualified from prosecuting Trump. 7/31
Yes, Trump will be deposed under oath regarding the $500 million lawsuit he filed against Cohen. 7/31/23
Yes, the Miami grand jury will continue its investigation and produce additional indictments, even after it first indicted Trump. 8/1/23
Yes, Trump will be indicted on charges concerning the 2020 election. 8/3/23
Yes, the Trump deposition transcript from the Carroll trial will be given to DA Bragg. 8/3/23
No, Trump's request for a delayed response to DOJ's protective order motion will not be granted. 8/5/23
Yes, Trump’s counter-defamation suit against E. Jean Carroll is without merit and is dismissed 8/7/23, Kaplan
*No, the Special Counsel may not file under seal evidence of conflicts RE attorney Woodward. 8/7/23, Cannon
Yes, the DOJ can have its requested Garcia hearing regarding Woodward conflicts. 8/7/23, Cannon
No, the protective order hearing date will not be delayed. 8/8/23, Chutkan
Yes, Trump is prohibited from making inflammatory statements about the election interference case. 8/11/23, Chutkan
*No, the protective order will not be as broad as DOJ requests. 8/11/23, Chutkan
No, Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Merchan will not recuse himself from the Manhattan falsified business records case. 8/14/23
Yes, Trump (and 18 co-defendants) will be indicted by a Fulton County grand jury on RICO and other charges. 8/15/23
Yes, the appeal Trump filed RE Carroll is frivolous and is denied for that reason. 8/18/23, Kaplan
No, the second Carroll defamation trial scheduled for 1/15/24 will not be delayed. 8/18/23, Kaplan
No, the May, 2024 Mar-a-Lago documents trial date will not be changed to a later date. 8/21/23, Cannon
Yes, Trump will have bail conditions and a $200,000 bond in GA. 8/21/23, McAfee
No, the GA RICO case will not be delayed while Trump aids seek its removal to federal court. 8/23/23, Jones
Yes, the DOJ request to bar Trump from being deposed in lawsuits brought by former FBI agents Strzok and Page (because he was president) is denied. 9/1/23, DC Appeals Court
Yes, Trump’s federal election interference trial date is set for March 4, 2024. 8/29/23, Chutkan
No, the Trump legal team may not file amicus briefs in this criminal case. 8/29/23, Chutkan
Yes, the petition for a writ of habeas corpus filed by the Trump legal team is denied. 8/29/23, Chutkan
Yes, the motion to intervene submitted by the Trump legal team is denied. 8/29/23, Chutkan
Yes, a partial summary judgement is granted. Trump is liable for defamatory statements against E. Jean Carroll. The Jan. 2024 trial is needed only to set the monetary damages. 9/6/23, Kaplan
Yes, Trump’s request to stay the NY state $250 million civil fraud trial is completely without merit. The trial will proceed as scheduled. 9/6/23, Engoron
Yes, a state lawsuit (Colorado) will be filed seeking to keep Trump’s name off the presidential ballot on 14th Amendment grounds. 9/6/23
Yes, the 14th Amendment lawsuit filed in Colorado was improperly removed by Trump to federal court, and will be sent back to state court. 9/12/23, Brimmer
No, Trump may not speak about classified information with defense counsel outside of a SCIF. 9/13/23, Cannon
No, the second Carroll trial will not be delayed. 9/13/23, US 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals.
*Yes, Trump’s GA RICO case (and those of 16 others) will be severed from the two co-defendants who are demanding a speedy Trial. 9/14/23, McAfee
Yes, Trump’s motion for relief from a previous ruling (sanctions imposed for frivolous lawsuit) is denied. 9/15/23, Middlebrooks
Yes, the DOJ motion requesting limits on Trump’s speech will be redacted and unsealed. 9/15/23, Chutkan
Yes, a protective order opposed by Trump shall be issued that prohibits threats and intimidation in the Colorado 14th Amendment lawsuit. 9/22/23, Wallace

Disclaimer: This ongoing compilation is done on a best-efforts basis. If I miss or get something wrong, kindly advise me and I'll correct the list. Where a ruling has been appealed to a higher court, the higher court's ruling is shown when made. The lower court's ruling remains on the list, as it was a question answered at the time.
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Veteran Expediter
Reference to reporters in DC mostly. Politicians and a lot of News personnel leave town early Friday.

LOL ... what evidence do you have that that (bolded in black) occurs ?

Particularly with regard to the "early" aspect.

And where is it that you think these News personnel go ?
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Veteran Expediter
Here is more on that.

From the article, this appears to be a portion you missed:

Over time, advancements in technology and the rise of social media have complicated the effectiveness of the tactic.

While the traditional news cycle may have slowed over weekends, news now spreads rapidly through digital platforms, allowing stories to gain traction even outside of traditional media outlets.

As a result, the impact can be diminished as news and reactions can still reach a wide audience, despite the timing of the release.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
So what? Some are arguing that there isn’t even a Friday news dump and that it’s not even a strategy that administrations use. Both Republicans and Dems admit that it happens and reporters admit it too. IMG_4720.jpeg
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Retired Expediter
Tomorrow Will be Interesting

Trump said he will attend the first week of his New York fraud trial. If he actually shows up, he will be face-to-face with the judge who recently ruled Trump is a fraud and who sentenced Trump's New York companies to death by canceling their business certificates (major, major blow to Trump). And the judge will be face-to-face with a former president and current candidate for president who has:

(1) called the judge "deranged," "unhinged," and a "political hack,"
(2) called the case fake,
(3) sued the judge (and lost),
(4) failed to comply with a subpoena, thereby prompting the judge to fine him to bring Trump into compliance.

In this face-off, the judge has the power. The candidate has Truth Social and press microphones outside the courtroom. As long as the judge continues to follow the law, the power will remain his, and the appeals Trump are expected to make will be ineffective.

Trump makes noise. The judge makes rulings.

Trump tells the judge, "you're deranged," and says it again.
The judge Tells Trump, "you're liable for fraud," and dissolves his New York businesses.
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Irrelevant Polls

A year from now, the election will be about a month away. Today's polls will be as relevant then as last year's weather report is today.
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How to Lose Friends and Alienate People

One of the best selling books of all time is Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People. When Trump goes to prison and has lots of spare time, he can write his own book, "How to Lose Friends and Alienate People." He completed the preface this evening.

No competent attorney would advise their client to say something like this in public, especially when you're going to be in that very courtroom the next morning. But Trump does not listen to his attorneys, does he? That's part of the reason he's in court now, and why control of his New York businesses will soon be placed in a trustee's hands to be dissolved.

And, by the way, Mr. Trump, you will do no fighting in court tomorrow. Tomorrow is for opening arguments. As the defendant, your job is to remain seated and keep your mouth shut; except when the judge enters the room, at which time you will rise to show respect for the man who will be looking down at you from the bench all day.

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Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Trump speaking now:
“It’s called a disclaimer clause”.
Pesky fact.
That disclaimer clause was heard by the court and rejected as an argument. Replaying it here again is meaningless. Trump has been found liable for fraud. Moments ago, he just entered the courtroom for the PUNISHMENT phase of his trial. The pesky fact is that the disclaimer clause is meaningless for Trump. It did not protect him. It actually helped him lose his case.
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Retired Expediter
He'll turn it into a campaign event. NYC is the media center of the world.
You called it right. Trump showed up for trial this morning and paused at the microphones to make a statement before entering the courtroom. He said the same things he has said before, but his remarks were broadcast by numerous cable channels and other outlets.

However, that may not help him much. His public remarks will certainly will do nothing to reverse the judge's finding that Trump committed fraud, or to undo the cancellation of his NY business certificates, or to keep Trump's NY businesses from being taken over by a receiver to be dissolved. Trump may not be highlighting his strength with this tactic. He may be highlighting his weakness by drawing attention to his utterly powerless position as his trial begins.

Trump is not there to argue about whether he committed fraud. That has already been decided. Trump committed fraud. The purpose of this trial is to determine what additional PUNISHMENTS will be imposed.

In less than 30 days, Trump will lose control of his New York businesses and the true status of his wealth will become known. This is a nightmare scenario for Trump, and, perhaps unwittingly, he's drawing additional national attention to his financial demise.

MAGA loves Trump partly because they perceive him to be wealthy and untouchable. I'm wondering how long that perception will last when the public sees Trump's prized properties stripped away from him and those businesses dissolved. And if the judge agrees with James that a $250 million penalty is the appropriate amount, I'm wondering how Trump will come up with the money when his business assets are so encumbered. It may shock his MAGA fans that Trump can't simply write a $250 million check to make this all go away.
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Retired Expediter
The Authoritarian Left with their PomPoms cheering on the witch hunts.
I'm not a leftist. I'm a centrist, but you're damn right that I'm cheering with pom poms. I'm not cheering a witch hunt. I'm cheering that the accountability train has finally arrived. I'm not celebrating any authoritarian. I'm celebrating that wannabe authoritarian Trump is not above the law.
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US Supreme Court Justice Thomas Recuses Himself From Trump-Related Case

This could be hugely significant if Thomas continues to do this as Trump-related cases reach the Supreme Court. Until now, Thomas has been a reliable vote on the Supreme Court bench. If he recuses himself from all Trump-related cases, that's bad news for Trump.

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Retired Expediter
Where Are the Trump Supporters?

This is the area outside the New York courthouse designated for Trump supporters to demonstrate. This was the scene this morning as Trump arrived.


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