The Trump Card...


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Trump and his companies are not the only ones who do this, they need to keep going and go after all of the companies who cheat banks and the taxpayers. If they dont keep going and charge more people with these crimes then that does show that they are just going after Trump.
If you look, I think you will find a fair number of companies that have been prosecuted for tax fraud, insurance fraud and bank fraud. It's not like Trump and the Trump Organization are the only ones ever to be prosecuted for such crimes.
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Is the judge bias?
If the judge is human, they are biased. Bias does not disqualify a judge or juror. A judge is a judge, and a juror is a juror, because of one's ability to make decisions on the facts and the law, not on bias.

I know you are inclined to believe if a judge is appointed by a particular president of a particular party, they are hopelessly biased. You and I have discussed this many times and I have reached the point of abandoning you to your dark and inaccurate thoughts. You win.
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Veteran Expediter
The 133,000. figure was about the discovery issue brought on by the FBI not giving back all his material that they seized.

No - it was about him failing to utilize a database to conduct a thorough search of his records (from before his devices were seized) ... which he could have easily done ... if he would have been willing to pay the freight to do it.

But he's basically broke ... and can't even get his client(s) to pay him for services rendered.


He didn’t contest the issue because it would be in a heavily Dem. Fulton county where he wouldn’t receive a fair trial.

Freeman and Moss sued Rudy in Federal Court in DC.

So no ...


He will appeal the ruling by the bias judge and is confident he will win on appeal that he was exercising his First Amendment constitutional right to have opinions.

Yeah ... Drunk Rudy is confident of lots of things.

A lot of it utterly delusional ...

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Trump Seeks to Sever

WASHINGTON, Aug 31 (Reuters) - Former U.S. President Donald Trump pleaded not guilty on Thursday to a Georgia criminal indictment accusing him of trying to overturn his 2020 election defeat and asked to be tried separately from some of his 18 co-defendants.
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GA Gov. Kemp Stops Republicans Who Want to Impeach DA Fani Willis

"'Up to this point, I have not seen any evidence that DA Willis's actions or lack thereof warrant action by the prosecuting attorney oversight commission. As long as I'm governor, we are going to follow the law and the Constitution — regardless of who it helps politically,' Kemp said."

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As i said, I think Meadows hurt himself more than he helped himself, but in fact, I don't know how this will turn out. The judge's ruling, expected soon, will tell us how Meadows did on the stand.
As follow-up briefs have been filed and analysis has been done of Meadows' performance on the stand, the commentators are saying Meadows committed perjury under oath; perjury that may be charged. They are also saying he has pretty much eliminated himself as a cooperating witness. Flipping is no longer an option for him.

With these things in mind, it seems safe to say that Meadows hurt himself more than he helped himself when he testified.
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Veteran Expediter
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As follow-up briefs have been filed and analysis has been done of Meadows' performance on the stand, the commentators are saying Meadows committed perjury under oath; perjury that may be charged. They are also saying he has pretty much eliminated himself as a cooperating witness.
Which commentators?
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Which commentators?
No one in particular in this case. Just a quick skim of those I regularly view/read. Also see the brief filed by Willis in which Meadows' false statements under oath are quoted. Do a Google and Twitter search for "Mark Meadows testimony" to see what I see.
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With these things in mind, it seems safe to say that Meadows hurt himself more than he helped himself when he testified.
Beyond the question of Meadows helping or hurting himself on the stand, another question is, did he implicate Trump? The answer is yes.

As this case develops, I think we'll see a lot of that as Trump's 18 RICO-charged co-defendants scramble to act in their own best interests instead of Trump's best interests. Indeed, it's being suggested by some that Meadows' self-serving testimony will be used against most of the co-defendants.
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Lawsuit RE 14th Amendment Disqualification Clause is Filed in New Hampshire

There is movement in the other direction too; that is, movement away from the idea that the 14th Amendment can be used to disqualify Trump from a state primary or general election ballot.

I remain convinced this question is going to be before the US Supreme Court in the near future.
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No one in particular in this case. Just a quick skim of those I regularly view/read.
So all this about Meadows' testimony is partisan speculation based the spin of pundits from sources like CNN, MSNBC, Salon or NY Times. This may be red meat for their viewers/readers, but otherwise nothing more then gratuitous assertions. We'll just have to wait to see what the court rules.
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Not so fast...

From the above article: (bold emphasis mine)

"Last year, a district court judge ruled Griffin must be removed from office as a county commissioner and barred him from running for office in the state again. This came after three New Mexico residents filed a civil case claiming he shouldn’t be able to serve based on his role in the January 6 insurrection.
Griffin tried to appeal the ruling, but the state Supreme Court dismissed the appeal in November. He filed a motion for the state’s highest court to reconsider, which they dismissed this week. Now, Griffin wants to take this to the United States Supreme Court."

By clicking on the source link in bold italics, another article by a different reporter appears and leads with this paragraph: (bold emphasis mine)

"The Otero County commissioner convicted for his role in the January 6th capitol riot is now at the center of a lawsuit. It was filed by a group of New Mexicans trying to make sure he never runs for political office in the state again.
Otero County Commissioner Couy Griffin was eventually convicted of a misdemeanor for entering capitol grounds..."

So it would appear that Marilyn Upchurch - the author of the first article - took artistic liberties in her description of the events of Jan 6th that suited her own agenda. The New Mexico Supreme Court declined to hear the appeal and nowhere were they quoted as describing the events of Jan 6th as an insurrection; that's a misrepresentation by a local liberal media hack.

So the fact remains that there was no insurrection, according to your sources. However, it appears that in New Mexico local residents can keep people from serving on county commissions if they're convicted of a misdemeanor. Here's hoping all the local politicians in the blue state of New Mexico are pure as the wind-driven snow and without sin.
Here is another account of this matter. This one makes it quite clear that the judge removed Griffin from office, not because of a misdemeanor, but because he aided the insurrection.

"Griffin was previously convicted in federal court of a misdemeanor for entering Capitol grounds on Jan. 6, without going inside the building. He was sentenced to 14 days and given credit for time served.

"The new ruling immediately removes Griffin from his position as a commissioner in Otero County in southern New Mexico.
'Mr. Griffin aided the insurrection even though he did not personally engage in violence,' Mathew wrote. 'By joining the mob and trespassing on restricted Capitol grounds, Mr. Griffin contributed to delaying Congress’s election-certification proceedings.'”

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The Long-Awaited Reckoning is Here

It has taken far too long for the wheels of justice to turn, but we're finally starting to see the chickens come home to roost.
  • A former president has been criminally indicted four times and his trials are being scheduled sooner than he wishes.
  • Guiliani was found liable for defaming election workers and will be ordered to pay damages.
  • Over 1,000 people who participated in the Jan 6, insurrection have been sentenced, some to 10 years or more; and more will be charged.
  • States are taking action, including GA charging 19 RICO defendants and Michigan charging 16 fake electors.
  • DOJ has brought cases that resulted in convictions for threatening election workers, and more people will be charged.
These are not discussion items any more to be dismissed by people who like to pretend the Big Lie is not a lie. It's a lie that provides no truth and no defense. Real offenders are being charged with real crimes, and they're either in or on their way to real jails. The lie-based defenses these people offer are ineffective. Real juries are rejecting their false claims. They are finding these people actually guilty of breaking real laws.
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Another Development in the 14th Amendment Question

This case was dismissed because the judge said the person bringing it did not have standing.

Lawrence Tribe, one of the constitutional scholars who says the 14th Amendment disqualifies Trump from the ballot, agrees with this ruling. He says, "US District Judge Robin Rosenberg was clearly right to dismiss this silly lawsuit by a litigant who obviously lacked Article III standing."



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Something to Keep in Mind

To those who are hoping for positive outcomes for the defendants in the Jan 6, GA Rico and FL documents cases, you would do well to keep this in mind:

These people are idiots! They cannot be counted on to act rationally in their own best interests or their mutual interests.

Recent example: Eastman just admitted to his crimes on national TV.

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