The Trump Card...


Veteran Expediter
Judge Chutkan isn't wasting any time ... she just slapped down and denied 7 motions in Trump's Jan 6th case ... including one from ... (wait for it) ... "the Galaxy Bar Association" ...


Apparently El Donaldo has called in the heavy legal guns from the Interstellar Federation for his defense.

Expect "The Kraken" to be released and deployed at any moment ...

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Retired Expediter
Don’t take it from me. Take it from an experience lawyer and former federal prosecutor with over 20 years experience. Put that in Bard and smoke it:
I'm not going to take it from you or an experienced lawyer. This matter is in court. I see zero need to analyze the arguments made there or elsewhere. I prefer to relax and let the findings and the rulings be made. Jump into the weeds and play junior Perry Mason all you want. I'll watch the real attorneys make their real arguments in court. They are the ones directly on task. Nothing I say or think here will make a difference in that the courts or juries decide.

Big picture: Trump and his criminal cronies are screwed. I've been waiting a long time for the accountability train to arrive and I'm enjoying its approach.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
This is What Real Voter Fraud Looks Like

This Trump voter was convicted of voter fraud. He was sentenced to three years prison, two years probation, $10,000 fine.

ONE PERSON that voted three times?

The Left apparently protects their side when they engage in it.

A woman was arrested, then released. She traveled back to Detroit. Muskegon wanted to extradite her back, but Detroit refused.
Forging documents is a big deal, right?



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Retired Expediter
Trump is Not Required to be in Federal Court for His Trial

As far as I can tell, felony criminal defendants facing federal charges can waive their right to be present at trial. With Judge Chutkan treating Trump like any other defendant, the March 4 trial date looks firm.

Trump and his supporters have already made six attempts to delay this trial by submitting petitions and motions. Chutkan quickly rejected all six. No delay. Having previous experience with Trump's delay tactics and being wise to them, the DC appellate court is also likely to quickly process any appeals Trump makes. Again, the March 4 date looks firm. It may change a bit, but it won't likely change much.

DOJ has said it will take them four to six weeks to present their evidence. But that does not mean Trump must attend the entire time. While Trump is complaining loudly about schedule conflicts, I'm finding nothing in the law that requires him to be present when the trial is underway. His lawyers can represent him in court while he stays busy on the campaign trail.

That might be the best use of his time. Trump is highly unlikely to testify. In a 4-6 week trial, in federal court where TV cameras are banned, what else is there for him to do but sit silent at his table and scowl?
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Trump is Not Required to be in Federal Court for His Trial

As far as I can tell, felony criminal defendants facing federal charges can waive their right to be present at trial. With Judge Chutkan treating Trump like any other defendant, the March 4 trial date looks firm.

Trump and his supporters have already made six attempts to delay this trial by submitting petitions and motions. Chutkan quickly rejected all six. No delay. Having previous experience with Trump's delay tactics and being wise to them, the DC appellate court is also likely to quickly process any appeals Trump makes. Again, the March 4 date looks firm. It may change a bit, but it won't likely change much.

DOJ has said it will take them four to six weeks to present their evidence. But that does not mean Trump must attend the entire time. While Trump is complaining loudly about schedule conflicts, I'm finding nothing in the law that requires him to be present when the trial is underway. His lawyers can represent him in court while he stays busy on the campaign trail.

That might be the best use of his time. Trump is highly unlikely to testify. In a 4-6 week trial, in federal court where TV cameras are banned, what else is there for him to do but sit silent at his table and scowl?
Trump remain silent??? That will never happen, his lawyers are telling him to please stay away and let them do their job.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
My point was not about the volume of voter fraud. It was about the consequences to the few who engage in it.
To be fair, there's a considerable number of Democrats who have been caught engaging in voter fraud. Below is just one:

"A grand jury indicted Adkins on 82 felony charges, including 34 counts of false statement and election fraud, 11 counts of absentee voting procedure violations, 11 counts of forgery of a public record, 3 counts of conspiracy to make a false statement and election fraud, and more...
The grand jury found cause to believe “Adkins has relied on an illegal absentee vote harvesting scheme since he was first elected to public office in 2011, repeating the process in his 2015 and 2019 bids for re-election.”"

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Veteran Expediter
To be fair, there's a considerable number of Democrats who have been caught engaging in voter fraud. Below is just one:

"A grand jury indicted Adkins on 82 felony charges, including 34 counts of false statement and election fraud, 11 counts of absentee voting procedure violations, 11 counts of forgery of a public record, 3 counts of conspiracy to make a false statement and election fraud, and more...
The grand jury found cause to believe “Adkins has relied on an illegal absentee vote harvesting scheme since he was first elected to public office in 2011, repeating the process in his 2015 and 2019 bids for re-election.”"

From the first link quoted above:

Since the indictment, Adkins has switched parties and ran in a recent GOP primary.

Sounds like he found his "forever home" ...



Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Guiliani Gets His Just Deserts

Former Trump attorney Rudy Guiliani lost his case today against the two election workers he defamed.

"A federal judge on Wednesday issued a default judgment against former Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani and ordered him to pay sanctions of nearly $133,000 in a civil conspiracy lawsuit by two Georgia election workers he had claimed mishandled ballots in the 2020 presidential contest.

"Judge Beryl Howell imposed the default judgment and monetary punishment because Giuliani repeatedly failed to comply with her orders to turn over electronically stored documents and other evidence sought by lawyers for the election workers, Ruby Freeman and Wandrea’ ArShaye Moss.

"Howell blasted Giuliani for 'willful ... misconduct,' and 'slippery' statements in failing to turn over the requested information as part of the legal process known as discovery.

“'The bottom line is that Giuliani has refused to comply with his discovery obligations and thwarted plaintiffs Ruby Freeman and Wandrea’ ArShaye Moss’s procedural rights to obtain any meaningful discovery in this case,...'”

Beyond the $133,000, the women will receive monetary damages. That amount will be determined at a later hearing. The amount will be much higher than $133,000.

I agree with the Twitter user who said in response, "Justice for Ruby and Shaye. Now they can use the proceeds to sue and hammer every other dirtbag who trashed their reputations and ruined their lives."

These two women, ordinary citizens who did their civic duty to help others vote in a free and fair election, have strong defamation cases to be made against a number of people and news entities. I hope they take all of them to the cleaners. Trump emboldened people to be indecent and unfair. Defamation crosses the line and those who did should be held accountable for the damage they did.


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Trump remain silent??? That will never happen, his lawyers are telling him to please stay away and let them do their job.
I don't know what Trump's lawyers are telling him about his attendance and behavior at this upcoming trial. I imagine he would find it quite difficult to sit quietly at a table for hours as the judge looks down on him, and the jury reads his body language as he listens to witnesses telling the truth about him and the crimes he committed; and he is forbidden from saying anything at all inside that room, unless he goes under oath and takes the stand ... something his attorney's are loathe to allow.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Guiliani Gets His Just Deserts

Former Trump attorney Rudy Guiliani lost his case today against the two election workers he defamed.

"A federal judge on Wednesday issued a default judgment against former Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani and ordered him to pay sanctions of nearly $133,000 in a civil conspiracy lawsuit by two Georgia election workers he had claimed mishandled ballots in the 2020 presidential contest.

"Judge Beryl Howell imposed the default judgment and monetary punishment because Giuliani repeatedly failed to comply with her orders to turn over electronically stored documents and other evidence sought by lawyers for the election workers, Ruby Freeman and Wandrea’ ArShaye Moss.

"Howell blasted Giuliani for 'willful ... misconduct,' and 'slippery' statements in failing to turn over the requested information as part of the legal process known as discovery.

“'The bottom line is that Giuliani has refused to comply with his discovery obligations and thwarted plaintiffs Ruby Freeman and Wandrea’ ArShaye Moss’s procedural rights to obtain any meaningful discovery in this case,...'”

Beyond the $133,000, the women will receive monetary damages. That amount will be determined at a later hearing. The amount will be much higher than $133,000.

I agree with the Twitter user who said in response, "Justice for Ruby and Shaye. Now they can use the proceeds to sue and hammer every other dirtbag who trashed their reputations and ruined their lives."

These two women, ordinary citizens who did their civic duty to help others vote in a free and fair election, have strong defamation cases to be made against a number of people and news entities. I hope they take all of them to the cleaners. Trump emboldened people to be indecent and unfair. Defamation crosses the line and those who did should be held accountable for the damage they did.
Clinton judge.
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